Engine wont start after removing carb


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 8, 2002
Re: Engine wont start after removing carb

I seem to recall that if the + battery to + coil terminal wire is used, and the boat cranks, the key will not shut the motor off as voltage is still supplied to the motor. you may have to pull the wire loose from the battery. your voltage at the + terminal looks low. you get starting volts thru the starter solenoid contact . and remove the - jumper. the motor will never start with that wire on as the coil is grounded.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Engine wont start after removing carb

Well... putting a jumper from the + of the battery to the + of the coil didn't have any effect on behavior. The coil is now broken, the + post snapped when I tightened the nut back down on to it after removing the jumper. I have nothing nice to say about that boat anymore, and I have to admit (again) to myself that this issue is beyond my skills as a healer. I'm going to take it to a mechanic and sow my story of woe, and I will report back what they determine the issue to finally be. Thanks again for all of your input. I've learned a lot though this process, but have put too much time into troubleshooting a system I clearly don't understand.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Engine wont start after removing carb

Well, my career as a mariner was short lived. Got the call from the mechanic today, who informed me that I have a cracked block because I failed to drain the water in the engine when we had a snow freeze back in November. They said they could weld the crack, but have no way of knowing (without further diagnostic time) if its cracked inside too, which would render the exterior weld useless. They didn't think the boat was worth the cost of repair. No work was done to diagnose why it doesn't start. The mechanic did say that it had good spark, so the startup issue was most likely the distributor cap, or Timing. (like y'all said). Guess we'll never know for sure. in hopes of helping out other new and naieve boaters out there: Drain the water out of the engine if you're going to have your boat sit in your driveway during the winter if you live anywhere it might snow. oof. Sad and stupid.

Thanks to all for your efforts!!


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Engine wont start after removing carb

A cracked block will not prevent an engine from starting. Since you said the engine ran before removing the carb, I seriously doubt timing is an issue either. Removing the carb would not have affected the distributor cap either. Sorry about the crack but you learned a lesson the hard way. Water freezes at 32 degrees F.