Engine Stalling

Dec 13, 2004
Re: Engine Stalling

Yeh.. but the thing is, i dont think im gonna be boating ffar from land with a 3.85 metre achilies inflatable ;) hehe<br />I think its worth while to get it done, im not planning on keeping the boat + outboard too long. mabe a year or so.. then im gonna sell it, hopefully getting most of the money i spent on the motor back.<br />Thanks for your help internetoutboards ;D ill be speaking with the guy at the service place, see what he has to say about the condition of the motor..
Dec 13, 2004
Re: Engine Stalling

Do you think i should just bore the one cylinder? or should i bore both, because i was thinking if i was to bore just the one, it could cause the engine to become "unballanced" with the different weight pistons in the 2 cylinders.<br />Im unaware of the amount difference or the amount of RPM's the motor can handle safly with different size pistons and cylinder.<br />I would have to ask the guy who has my motor for his opinion.. but to be honest, he doesnt look entirly that experienced, or sound it either.<br />I think the damage to both the piston and cylinder wall was due to a loose screw or something, and the piston has rammed it into a tiny peice of flat steel.<br />Is it worth the money to bore both cylinders or not?<br />Or will the extra boreing for the other cylinder lead to seal problems and structual weakness to the cylinder head?


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Engine Stalling

Our service policy has always been that we bore all the cylinders are none of them. However, a lot of pople only bore out the bad one and don't seem to have any problems. Back in the 60's and 70's the manufacturers all said that it was "advised to do them all". Today most manufacturers service reps say " You only have to do the bad one, but if it was me I would still do them all" Oversize pistons don't cost anymore than standard pistons for that model, so your only real increase in cost is the additional boring charge for that cylinder. I know your on a restricted budget for that engine, but my best advise is to come up with additional money. The cylinder head will not be affected.
Dec 13, 2004
Re: Engine Stalling

OK.. now that the motor is fully opened up, cylinder block and all, It turnes out i not only have to worry about the pistons and gouged cylinder walls, i have to worry about the entire inside underneath the cylinder block, at the crank shaft and con rods etc, it is all rusted, Most likly due to the previouse ower submerging the outboard from a wave and not doing any thing at all to prevent oxidation! Is there anyway i can leave this? As i may not have the money its either leave it or wreck the motor. To replace the parts that are rusted is it usually an expensive procidure? <br />Could i have some quotes on how much it usually cost for labour in replaceing the parts?<br /><br />Thanx<br />Chopes


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Engine Stalling

It's time to cut your losses and give up. Anything involving the crank just put it way ouside repairing it.