Re: elec. shift johnson
If the motor is a '68 or '69 55HP (like one I have) you'll need to check out the electric shifter first (check that lower end lube too). The motor is allways in Forward at rest, not neutrel. After starting, the lower end mounted shift solenoid places the trans into neutrel. A nice feature if you consider the potential consequences. <br />There's probably other electric start Johnsons of the period mentioned. But the one I mentioned may have 1 or 2 solenoids, depends on weather the exhaust runs through the prop or not.<br />When shutting these motors down, a defective rectifier/diode ( I think) can allow the unit to slam into forward before the engine stops, a sure sign that the worst has yet to come. This may have been the final symptom prior to the previous owner giving up. Ask him if you can. <br />Do some diagnostics & post the results & I'll dig out a repair manual if needed.