Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Hi all... I am considering the purchase of an older wooden early 60's Cruisers Inc. for a reasonable price. I was told there is some keel damage/rot?.... and was told the boat will take on a little water. I am looking for a boat more or less water worthy and am going to go look at the boat tomorrow. I was also told the boat has sat out of the water shrink wrapped for a few years until now. What should I look for in the boat/keel/hull with the respect of purchase. Any sage words of advise would be greatly appreciated. I dont want to buy a "project" boat just yet... some enjoyment and a light "project" as I own the boat. I do have a passion for owning an older wooden classic :). Thanks....


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

An old wooden boat that has been neglected (sat around for a few years), has keel damage and leaks is a huge project, run and hide if you don't want a multi year project. Some people like old wood boats and love to restore them, if you're not that guy, this is not for you.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

Should You Purchase A Used Wooden Boat?

In nearly every region of the world, you will find some beautiful used wooden boats for sale. If you are interested in obtaining your own boat for personal use ? be it fishing, rowing, or other recreational purposes ? and you would also like to save as much money as possible in the process, than you may be considering purchasing one of these used wooden boats.
There is, however, an old saying that you should keep in mind whenever you consider purchasing an used wooden boat: ?Nothing works on an old boat but the owner.?
This saying may often be true, although there may be some exceptions to this rule as well. However, you should keep in mind that most wooden boats have a limited lifespan ? usually between five and ten years ? although the lifespan of any wooden boat can certainly be extended with proper maintenance and care.
What this means is that when you are looking at used wooden boats for purchase you should be sure to find out: 1) how old the boat is, and 2) how well the boat has been maintained. Look carefully for signs of dry rot on the boat, try to find out what kind of sealant was used in its construction, and if at all possible, take it out in the water for a test run.
If the owner of the boat does not have maintenance records, knows little about the boats construction, and will not let you test it before purchase, you will likely end up with a boat the does not float, or floats poorly. However, used boats that do meet these criteria successfully, may prove to be an excellent deal and may save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

I hate to be a pain but want to be an informed purchaser/owner with your help again :). I noticed the dash on one of the pictures says 302 V? It is a 1962 i believe.. but what model is denotated by the 302 V (looks like a "V" in the pictures?

I want to show 2 pics.. The first has the "keel damage" ---any suggestions here?

The second pic is of the starboard side it looks as if the ribs and strake(boards)? on the inside are darker in color near the floor.... is this normal with age.. or does it look like it may have gotten wet..which could mean/preclude rot?

Again thanks for all the help....... Im kind of hoping the boat is decent enough to purchase.. as I am getting excited to own a classic.... I should say I am slightly hesitant only to purchase based on lack of knowledge (which can be learned).......... not the potential for hard work in owning such a boat :)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

This will give you some additional info.

The keel appears to have a significant crack in it. Darker color can SOMETIMES indicated Mold from Wetness but NOT always. All wood changes color with age so the only way is a close physical inspection. Take a small hammer with you to do some tapping. CAREFUL don't want to make the owner FREAK!!

Just be careful NOT to let your enthusiasm overshadow your wisdom!!!;)




Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

The keel appears to have a significant crack in it............

I did read the links regarding "surveying".....now it leads me to my final question. Can the keel be repaired reasonably well without replacing as of yet? Could I as a DIY'er replace a keel like this as a reasonably priced *gasp* "project :)? Lastly... with a supossed good running older 100hp outboard would you purchase this boat for anything less than $1200 - with the keel knowledge? Thanks again... and i will follow up tomorrow and let ya know what happens..... after I lose some more sleep tonight and look at it tomorrow :)

and i really like your quote:
Just be careful NOT to let your enthusiasm overshadow your wisdom!!!

Thanks again for all your advice and help!!


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

Its hard finding information on Keel repair/replacing on the internet... does anyone have possibly a link to some info.... to know what I could be getting into? Thanks.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

"Lastly... with a supossed good running older 100hp outboard would you purchase this boat for anything less than $1200 - with the keel knowledge?"

To be honest the boat probably isn't worth anything, wood boat with damage that leaks + rusty trailer + 60's 100HP OB = scrap.

Sorry to say that, but old boats aren't worth squat, you can get much newer fiberglass boats free on craigs list.

To be worth it you need to love old wood boats and want a project, if you want to go boating look for something else.


Apr 16, 2009
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

Not to push you away from Iboats, but you should definately check out http://forum.woodenboat.com/

There are many wooden boat restoration threads with elaborate documentation of every aspect of wood hull repair and resto. Hope this doesn't offend the crowd here.



Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

OK thanks... im gonna try to post on the woodenboats forum also. thanks for the info as I may be more guarded while looking at the boat.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

Like I promised........... to follow-up. Well I passed up on the boat. It was more that I wanted to get involved with at the time. But Ill be on the lookout for a smaller fiberglass boat in my neck of the woods (I think after talking to some people this would be my best option right now) .... and will surely ask for some more advice when that time comes ;) .. thanks again all :)


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: Early 60's Cruisers Inc. - Keel Damage?

I think you made a very smart decision; there will be more boats coming along soon that may fit your needs better.