e-tech failures ?


Nov 16, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

OLM, Iwas not talking about anything you said. Sorry about the missunderstanding. I feel you have been very truthfull about what has gone on. I was refering to what another member wrote about. I personally take an offense to someone laughing at anothers misfortunes. It's not funny if you are the one up a creek without a paddle no matter what motor you are running. I would hate to think someone might just laugh and not help if I had a problem with the Verado I own. I am sure not going to be laughing if they have a problem or tell them they should have bought some other motor. I personally think this forum is more for helping and information. I think what is important here is that you had your problem taken care of by Evinrude in a very quick and good manner. That is good information for others who own or are going to buy in the future. I just felt at the point I made my statement that the thread was on the verge of deteriorating over the Etec/Verado issue and not addressing the real problems that I think we are seeing out there.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

Trophy,<br /><br />I didn't mean to offend....I wasn't laughing at there misfortune with there motors...it was more a situational comedy between the dealer and his customers....he had been trying to calm them down and tell them all would be taken care of and they didn't want to hear he was going to take care of them they just wanted to vent....which i understand...I don't know the reason for the failures and I’m not saying Mercs are bad there just not my choice, all motors have there faults I’m Sure as time goes on we will hear about more E-Tec, Verados, and Yam's having issues like you said that is what this site is about....It had been a 45 min barrage from his customer to all other customers in the store about this and that....it was just funny that the dealer had reached his breaking point and was starting to get short with them...I thought it was funny...so I laughed.....If I offended you by telling this please accept my apologies. I would be in worse shape than i am right now if it weren't for the helpful and knowledgable people on this site..I myself was there to get parts for my sick motor. I've felt there pain before myself and I would never not help someone that would accept my help in that situation.<br /><br /><br />Jeff


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

found out a little more about the story there...seems this was not a failure that had anything to do with motor reliablility...seems the guys in question had been testing out there new motors at high speeds near a bunch of smaller boats most of the morning....that night someone who hadn't apperciated thier demonstrations drained there oil and replaced with lake water...at least this is the story that was repeated to me by one of the guys i know ...seems the State Police are now investigating the Merc failure...and have many prints to go on....hope those boys have deep pockets....as they should be flogged for that....!!!!!


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: e-tech failures ?

Which ones should be flogged? The guys who think they own the water (no regard for others) or the guys who delivered that water to them?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

probalbly both of them....a little common curtousy seems to go a long way...but i don't condone the actions...either way...


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: e-tech failures ?

PierBridge, Please elaborate on the e-tec failures you have witnessed. Cause and type of failure would be beneficial to us all. thnx.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

The flogging should be for the delivery of water formost but i'm sure they will think twice before high speed runs near smaller vessels agian...


Nov 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

By no meens would I ever get enjoyment from others misfortune. I have been there with the infamous Fitch. But I have freinds that have fitch motors and have had no problems. I just wanted to get some feedback on others like me that had complete failures. I thinck this forum is great and have many helpfull advise from this board. According to Bomboardier mine was the frist ctastrofic failure on the 250 E-tech. I undersatnd they all fail they are machines It is what happens after the failure that realy matters.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: e-tech failures ?

Olm -- who was the tech the BRP sent? Was it a guy named Pat?


Nov 2, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

Dhadlley, I couldn't tell you I was in Miami & the Boat was down in the keys. I was not there when they were.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: e-tech failures ?

Oh well. Pat's a good friend and a BRP rep. Very very smart guy. I was just curious. Anyway glad you got going.


Nov 16, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

Seeing the whole story, I more understand why people might laugh at these unfortunate gentlemen. I don't agree with high speed runs near anybodys boats. I'd hate to say the guys got what they deserved without being there, but I may have wished it on them too if they were Nerds about it. <br />What may have been going on there though is the break in of the Verado. Etec owners are very fortunate in that the motor requires no break in right out of the box. A Verado takes 10 hours and part is on WOT runs. I had to do this and chose a lake near my place. I did make sure other boats were not close by. Still, you can tell people think you are showing off and don't realize what you are doing. I wish Merc would do the break in at their plant. What I think a lot of people forget is that 200hp is 200hp no matter what boat/motor you have. The rest is gear ratio and torque and prop pitch. The Verado runs a gear ratio similar to a 2 stroke so we have very similar results. Which is better?? the one that gets you out and above all back in to the dock! I think that is all any of us boat owners ask --- I wish good times for all, enjoy your summer.


Re: e-tech failures ?

I see NO reason that a modern four stoke engine should require a "break in period". Especially with todays engine management systems.<br /><br />Not bashing, just questioning.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 19, 2004
Re: e-tech failures ?

It's not nice having a bigger boat steaming across your bow at high speed.<br /><br />I was out last week, running across a bay on my left, some idiots on 2 large cruisers decided it was fun, to come out of the bay turned right, across my bow, no more than 30 metre away at extremely high speed (I was doing 20 knots they must had been 35+) the wakes from the 2 cruisers nearly rolled us over. I'd never been that scare in my life. Apparently those idoits had been at it all day doing high speed tight turns with no disregards for other users.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 5, 2002
Re: e-tech failures ?

What I think a lot of people forget is that 200hp is 200hp no matter what boat/motor you have. The rest is gear ratio and torque and prop pitch.
Trophy, 200HP is AFTER the gear ratio differences.....does not matter what the ratio is, it's still 200 at the prop..It is a "Result of" powerhead + gear ratio + prop.<br />I'm sure you understand that, but for clarification to others, I wanted to post this.<br />Most 4-strokes are geared to swing a bigger pitch at a slower speed (Prop speed), which does gain some efficiency back to allow a more even playing field.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: e-tech failures ?

Horsepower is horsepower but torque makes the world go round.<br /><br />Look at the difference between a 150 crossflow and a 150 looper or a 200 cf vs a 200 looper. The most modified 150 or 200 cf cannot hold a candle to their stock counterparts in the looper design. Torque is the difference.


Jun 29, 2003
Re: e-tech failures ?

Yea, DH....we need to find me a looper core...NON salt water... :D


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: e-tech failures ?

Non salt world...and youre asking me???<br /><br />Lol! They're rare around here but possible. I'll keep an eye out.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 1, 2004
Re: e-tech failures ?

I'll throw in the same comment I've made in other threads like this. When a car manufacturer comes out with a new engine design, there are very quickly tens of thousands of cars sold with that engine and literally millions of miles of feedback on what problems there might be - with this kind of scenario things not only get fixed quickly, but things like Comsumer Reports reliability ratings get established with real data. <br /><br />In the boating world we have four-stroke as well as multiple different two-stroke DFI technologies introduced over the last few years, BUT not nearly enough feedback to determine which ones are good and which aren't - it's a simple law of small statistical samples. Ford could have 100 catatrophic failures of a new engine and it's an unqualified success because they sold 100,000. The cases cited in this thread are basically hearsay evidence unsupported by enough data to be meaningful. That will always be a problem for us boaters - we have to wait a long time to find out what's reliable and what isn't.