Duratech help. v14 20455.


Aug 1, 2009
Hello everyone. I have searched every single outlet on the web for 2 weeks and can't come up with my boat info anywhere. I have a Duratech v14 20455. I am looking for the specs and year of this boat. NYS absolutely refuses to allow me to register this boat unless there is more info on it. I guess I should have never purchased this boat knowing there was no info on it, but the boat looked great,sturdy and was manufactured in my home state. Ironically I bought it out of Massachusetts and the previous owner never registered it. It was used on private property and was not registered. Lovely. NYS says i have to find the original owner to prove the boat is not stolen. Wow. it's at least a 40 plus year old boat. The last owner said he owned it for 30 plus years.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Look thru the info posted here:

The V14 was made for a few years, the 20455 number is probably a Serial # but its unlikely you'll be able to pin a year based on it. Most companies simply didnt keep great records, or didnt maintain the records for very long. And a great number of records have been lost to time, factory/office moves, fires and etc.

Post a pix of your V14, perhaps someone else has seen or owned one.

The 1960 ad has a Veeline 14 pictured, if the listed specs for a 1960s length and width match yours and the image does too, I'd tell NYS its a 1960.


Aug 1, 2009
Thank you for the quick response. I have been to that link before and the boat specs that i have match about 6 different years. For the same length, width, transom and weight, the horsepower rating is either 10 18 or 25. Not sure which i have. My specs don't match the 1960 unfortunately, but the '57 seems fine. Good year for classics too. I'll go with that. Now we'll see how many hoops I have to jump through to get this thing registered. I have two outboards. An awesome 20 hp 71 Mercury in like new cond or a 65 Chrysler 9 in like new cond. Guess I'll try them both. No need to rip that boat apart on it's maiden voyage. Thanks again for the fast response. I'll try and get some pics soon.


May 31, 2008
Greetings all... I have been following the forum for some time but had not contributed previously. I have a similar situation with my 15' Duratech Sealine -- in that I cannot specifically determine the date of manufacture. The serial number is #14128 and the model number is S-15-R -- but that's about all I have. I first purchased this boat in 2008 near Cooperstown, NY and did some minor restoration (a great deal of buffing) and modifications (four stroke 60hp Yamaha, ski pylon, rewired to include interior lights, etc.) and had many hours of enjoyment with our young family. Now that I can no longer haul my three boys over the gunwale, we purchased a new boat and I have just listed mine on eBay for sale. Basically, buy the motor and get the boat. See listing at: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/152091919467?

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you all could provide in helping me determine then exact year of manufacture. I tried contacting "Joe Man" through the duratech website -- but he may no longer be engaged in that, as I didn't hear back. Many thanks!