Dual Props?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 2, 2010
I am in the market for a ski/pleasure boat. While I am looking around I run accros a 4W that has an outdrive (Volvo I believe?) and it has what looks like 2 props that turn counter to each other. The guy says its more efficient and gets you out of the hole faster. Can someone explain the pros and cons of such a setup? I would think it to be a bear to repair/replace if something goes wrong. This boat is a bit over my budget, but if the setup really is a great improvement I may just go for it.

Thanks for your input and forgive my noob questions.



Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2009
Re: Dual Props?

He is correct. called DuoProp by Volvo (Merc has the Bravo3) this setup is more efficient. Better low and mid range thrust. Better fuel mileage. Big down side is you props are a matched set and relacement is Expensive, as is lower unit repair. If you put a lot of hours on your boat you may be better off, but you pay for it upfront.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 18, 2007
Re: Dual Props?

I converted my sp to duo prop about a year ago and now I don't think I could ever go back to a single prop. My 20ft cuddy comes right out of the water now. It greatly improved slow maneuvering around the marina. Just think of it as 4 wheel drive for your boat. If you can afford it, you will never regret it (unless u hit a rock)......


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Dual Props?

I have them and love them . Super efficient, and no 'prop walk' when backing the boat. And, Volvo makes a great drive in general. My 24' I/O is much easier to handle than my 21' outboard was.

The props are very pricey, tho. I'm waiting right now on delivery of a new set. I mangled mine. Aluminum cost is not so bad, but mine (unfortunately in this case) are stainless. Here's a little more on that subject:


I did find in my search that there are also composite props now available for 4.3/5.0 liter motors.