"drunkin Master"


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Howdy Boys, <br /><br />I figured I would write You as me and my wife sit here in the QUIET living room, Kiddies are all asleep, and get hammered (well tapped a little).<br /><br />My wife bought some of those zippers things....they are Jello with 12% by volume alchohol and come in 4 wonderful flavors....At least there are 4 in this one.<br /><br />There are 8 per pack and I have now succesfuly killed 6 of them.<br /><br />The red one is "Rum Rush" and it tastes like cough syriup.<br /><br />The green ones are "Whisky Drops"....Not to bad.<br /><br />This one(no# 7) is "Tijuana Tease" and its not all that bad, but has a nasty after taste.<br /><br />and the last one (No# 8) "vodka splash" is probly the best one of them all. No..Its not because its the 8th one either....at least I don't think so.<br /><br />The "Citrona" that I am nurseing Is very good. I like them much better than "Doc's hard lemonade".<br /><br />They have less bubbles (carbonation) than the the others.<br /><br />I don't like bubbles in my drinks so I rarely drink soda pop...But the "Citrona" tastes like the "Kamakazes" that my wife makes every once-n-awhile.<br /><br />Whaaa whooo....Yea baby....I think I am starting to feel 12% x 8 + 2 citronas good now.<br /><br />That was quick.<br /><br />I think its time for me to quit typeing now....I'm starting to spell things the right way and go back to change them to regular.<br /><br />If none of this makes sence its okay....It don't make sence to me right now either.<br /><br />I am haveing to serch for the keys now....kool.<br /><br />3sheetstothewindwood.<br /><br />P.S. In the imortal words of Pink floyd, I am feeling "comfertably numb".... :D


Jan 22, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

that's affirmative pinkwood, be sure to make it to the bed before the tunnel closes in on you. just remember, there's always tomorrow to enjoy. yikes! its today already :( oh well, i like to hear that country song "don't hafta be me, til MONDAY"<br /><br />since its been 20mins since u posted, i guess ur in fishindreamland... and i guess its appropriate to toast u one. sorry, but i'll have an original LITE, miller if you please <br />


Apr 20, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

If you get the chance try Skyy Blue they are good even though a little $$. We went out tonight with friends. I had a few Buds and a couple shots but for some reason I am wide awake and sober now. I was feeling good at the bar but I guess letting the wife drive me spoiled that. I am one of those I DRIVE guys except when drinking guys. I can't recall the last time I let her drive me.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: "drunkin Master"

Well, if one is to get hammered, there is no better company in most cases, as his wife.<br />And no better place in the world better than ones own livin room....No cops behind billboards, no channel markers that seem to "keep movin around on thier own", ect....So slurp one of those pups for 12Footer :D


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH....my head.<br /><br />Now I know why I don't drink (eat) things that come in multipul colors.<br /><br />I was alright untill I stood up from the computer chair....Funny....last night there were at least 3 computer chairs when I looked back from the long and very interesting trip to my room.<br /><br />Thats the good thing about Drinking at home....When you stumble through the living room the only person there to handcuff you is your wife....getting frisked is always fun....and when you wake up Its not next to a big hairy guy named adolf.<br /><br />We had fun and a few laughs....and as normal she stoped drinking long before I did, just at the right level as not to feel it in the morning, and is now putting the screws to me.<br /><br />It seems she is getting some kind of sick hummor out of this....I know she can here that radio at a much lower decible level than that....and I was not In the mood for food when she fixed me up a plate of eggs and cheese.<br /><br />I think that I had better go....the sound of my fingers hitting these keys is hurting my head.<br /><br />Hungoverwood


May 16, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

You Made your bed ServesyourightWood.now ya got to sleep in it. How does Pickle,peanutButter and Mayonise with a slash of mustard on bread sound to you? Maybe in a Boat with some 4 to 5 Foot Swells.........<br /><br />When treating a hangover its always best to take a taste of the Snake that bit you the Night before <br /><br />Been there Done that many a time in my younger years.........


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

Yummy... Add some greasy tater chips and you get Puken'chumwood... :D


Apr 20, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

My Favorite thing for a hangover is a shot of Malibu rum in a tall glass of OJ about the time I finish it I am begining to feel okay. I think it is the Acidity of the OJ as well as some other things in it plus as was said a little of the hair on the dog so to speak. Personally I woke up fine and early considering what time I was up last night. I actually wish I had one more day in this weekend to do it all over agian. <br />Hungoverwood I to tend to stay away from any drinks that are colorful or I have no clue as to what is in them.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

Yea, I made my bed...laid in it to!<br /><br />I tryed a V8 with a little....very little...vodka in it.<br /><br />I guess it helped....But it realy was'nt that bad, just a headache. I've had much worse.<br /><br />Thing is that I keep doing it....I rarely drink with the exception of a citrona (1 or 2) after work once or twice a week....And I only get drunk once or twice a year....And only a little at that.<br /><br />I always tell myself that I wont do it again...Yea right...here I am.<br /><br />Feel fine now though....Till next time.<br /><br />I wont be buying any more spiked jello.<br /><br />lessonwood.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: "drunkin Master"

THat'z my M/O too, drankwood.<br />I get drunk on the date of my devorce with the first wife, and the other is an open date,iether Christmas, New Jears, or mr birthday...But never any two of those days.<br />And never behind a steerin wheel.<br /> 12Packer


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: "drunkin Master"

Hi, Guys.<br /><br />I shall now reveal a secret preventive measure told to me by an eccentric Dutch Ph.D. Biochemist.<br /><br />As I recall his explanation of how hangovers occur, it is that the metabolization of ethanol produces toxic substances (I forgot the proper name for them)that make you sick. :( <br /><br />He then explained that introducing another chemical changes the chemistry that takes place and no toxins! :eek: <br /><br />The chemical he suggested is acetylsalicilic acid (sp?), more commonly known as aspirin.<br /><br />Take it BEFORE starting to drink. It has to be in your blood when the ethanol arrives.<br /><br />That was about 20 years ago. Though I very rarely drink enough to get "drunk" I have not had even a slight hangover since. :cool: <br /><br />So, 12Pack and Jellowood, you may now do your semi-annual celebrating without punishment. :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

JB is right, the best time to start a cure for the hangover is before it starts. There are a couple other things that happen to you. You get deyhydrated and a lot of the water soluable vitamins in your body are thus removed. this recipe generally works.<br /><br />1. Aspirin before bed. Not tylenol which is combination with the alcohol can be toxic to your liver.<br /><br />2. As much water as you can drink before bed. Your body uses something like 8 ounces of water to process each ounce of alcohol. It is a good idea to alternate water and drinks if you can.<br /><br />3. A good multi-vitamin tablet to replace those lost.<br /><br />JB, I will definitely try the aspirin before I start to drink this weekend. It is the once a year festival where all us guys go to a small cabin, sit around a fire and drink. Due to the chilli cook-off, we usually need to shut the heat off in the cabin and let it air out once or twice also. Inebriatedwood, I hope you are feeling better.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

if'n your out & about an don't have any asprin... chew on some willow bark.. it's exactly the same thing...


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

Thanks for the tip JB.<br /><br />Don't be mad If I don't try It for a couple of months. :D <br /><br />Willow bark huh....I'm sure I could work that into my drunkin adventure somewhere....Probly not for the same reason you just mentioned...but I've been known to do some stuff that made pepole look at me a little funny from time to time....Chewen bark ought to start some pretty good rumors at the next fish fry. :D :D <br /><br />I DON"T DRINK AND DRIVE EVER, EVER!!!<br /><br />I was hit by a drunk driver when I was 18 years old and I still and always will have the scars to prove it. Drinking and driveing is STUPID.<br /><br />Heck....drinking and walking seems to be a little scary for me these days.<br /><br />Tillnexttimewood.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

Good old fashioned asprin. I keep some on hand for the ocasional headache or pain that is not for Tylenol, Ibuprophin, Aleve or even some much stronger stuff. Besides an asprin ever so often is good for you. I will definitly give it a try on the 26th we have a Halloween party and I plan on getting a little more than schnockerd. I have to admit I don't drink like I used to but I do get drunk a few times each year. Graduation, New Years, Halloween parties (my favorite holliday because I am the HALLOWEEN KING), and sometimes on my birthday as well as one or two other times when it is best I drink my Tequela alone untill I forget what I started for. BTW one reason I get so drunk every Halloween is because I am usually being handed some shot or another because of my costume or the fact I helped someone out with thiers or even scared the hell out of some poor unsuspecting soul.<br />PS. Don't come close if I order Tequela in a bar in fact it might be good to clear out before someone actually tries to talk to me.
Jul 23, 2002
Re: "drunkin Master"

Boy and I wonder why i don't drink very often (guess working in a bar helps). I often get major migranes due to an injury when I was a kid I find that drinking one of the sports drinks (ie:gatorade, powerade, etc.) seems to help and most of my friends swear by the same cure for a hangover. We also have some little organic pill product floating around in the cornerstores that claim to help prevent hangovers I believe they're called The Party's Over but your supposed to take them before you start drinking. Now who plans going out and getting completely sloshed to the point of a hangover?? :D


Rear Admiral
Oct 2, 2001
Re: "drunkin Master"

Anybody ever invent a drink? We did. We were racing down the Baja back in the '70s and started drinking Gatoraide and tequila, about 1/2 & 1/2. Vicious stuff. We called it a Bushmaster (make of racecar) Baja Turnaround. I'll never forget or remember or something.<br /><br />c/6<br /><br />Hooty