Drilling the transom...


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
I will shortly be hanging a 64 Evinrude Sportfour 60 hp on my Texas Maid 15 foot aluminum runabout...which requires drilling four holes through the aluminum skin and transom. Thanks to FR for providing the mounting template a few moons ago. My eyes aren't the best and even when I was younger I struggled to drill straight holes with a hand drill. Any tips for doing this? My transom rakes inward going down from the top of the transom. I've heard suggestions ranging from...sight down a string to use a mirror in front of the drill to use a guide block with holes made on a drill press (don't have access to one) to using two square blocks making a 90-degree angle to guide the bit. Any tips for making a guide/jig for this would be appreciated...especially those with photos. Thanks in advance.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 5, 2011
Re: Drilling the transom...

I'm a greenhorn when it comes to boating, but a 60-horse, four-banger on a 15-foot tinboat? I'm thinking that's a bit too much weight for the transom, but I may just be overly cautious.



Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Drilling the transom...

personally I'd just go for it.... it's not rocket surgery and a couple degrees off won't make two chits in the big picture... If you stand such as to be able to see if you are straight right to left you can have a helper spot you from the side for up and down.


Mar 19, 2009
Re: Drilling the transom...

Just use plenty of silicone on the bolts!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

.My eyes aren't the best and even when I was younger I struggled to drill straight holes with a hand drill.

bud........its not that important....unless you are on the side of a mountain......it will be really hard to screw that up so bad it wrecks the transom.....if it does......5200 is the cure...

dirll away


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Drilling the transom...

I'm a greenhorn when it comes to boating, but a 60-horse, four-banger on a 15-foot tinboat? I'm thinking that's a bit too much weight for the transom, but I may just be overly cautious.


I have a 17' Tin boat, 83" beam rated for 130. Running 90. Might as well be 15 as the bow is very sharp and not much boat the first 2 feet. It has a large knee (2"x3") at the center of the transom, alum framework (1"x2"...no wood in transom) and deck also attaches at top of transom...this one isn't going anywhere. But I wouldn't want to put 60 on a regular "fishing boat" transom with a single cast knee and all that was designed for 15 hp max.

Funny (to me) having built my first boat at the age of about 14....In about '65 knew of a guy who built his own boat and hung one of those big fat 60 hp 4 cyl Rudes (Sportfour) on it. As the story goes, the first time he punched outta da hole.....the engine fell in it....the transom was torn loose from the hull. Ha! Not funny I know, but it supposedly happened. I supposed his cables and controls kept him from loosing the engine, but he was in salt water.


Mi duckdown

Apr 14, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

Put a level on the transom(plum) up and down. raise or lower the tongue jack utill it is plum. Now most bat. drills have a level window on them. if not borrow one that does. that hole will be pretty acruate thru the hull. then use whatever silicone you think is best.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Drilling the transom...

Thanks Mi duckdown...hadn't thought of that, excellent idea. Now the rest of you guys need to revisit your forum skills or forum reading skills...better not to post than put up a smart-*** reply that doesn't help much..."it ain't rocket science"..."just fill any mistakes with silicone." The boat is not a jonboat or an aluminum tinny...it's a vintage 15-foot aluminum runabout. Photo is attached. Not worried about overpowering it as the hull is rated for 75 hp, and it has 70 hp on it in the photo.


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Mi duckdown

Apr 14, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

tm. easy there.
I also thought your boat was just a tinny.
Most people do not know what Texas maid is, NOR did I.
Saying that. That is how I thru bolt motors on transoms.
Fiber or tin.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

i agree with the above......easy there tm.

none of the comments were smart azzed......and nor were they intended to be.

vintage boat or not.....you really have to be bad with a drill to mess it up so bad that any one except an engineer would notice.

making the transom vertical would help a bit......but at 110 deg....its almost going to be tongue on the ground.

if you are really worried about your drilling skills......screw two pieces of 1 inch ply together.....and practise !


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 16, 2011
Re: Drilling the transom...

Lay out your template. Mark the center of the bolt holes with a pencil/sharpie. Hammer a ding there with a center punch and break out the drill. Opinions vary but I drill a pilot hole first. And mebbe even another larger hole before I go all the way. Drill straight'n you'll be just fine.

Yes! Use copius amounts of sealant!! Messy & sticky but I recommend 5200 as well. Just have plenty of clean rags & some solvent on hand.

Cool boat btw.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

Start to drill, go through the aluminum skin, then re-sight and drill a bit deeper. Re-sight again and go deeper yet. Start with a smaller pilot then once the hole is through both skins and vertical to the transom surface in both directions, use the correct size drill bit. Takes a little longer but you will be more accurate. It really is not that critical, but while others won't notice or know, you will.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Drilling the transom...

Thanks Mi duckdown...hadn't thought of that, excellent idea. Now the rest of you guys need to revisit your forum skills or forum reading skills...better not to post than put up a smart-*** reply that doesn't help much..."it ain't rocket science"..."just fill any mistakes with silicone." The boat is not a jonboat or an aluminum tinny...it's a vintage 15-foot aluminum runabout. Photo is attached. Not worried about overpowering it as the hull is rated for 75 hp, and it has 70 hp on it in the photo.

Ok Mr. "tm", I was boating as a young lad when TexasMaid "maid" and sold a ton of aluminum (Tinny as they are called on here...and my current boat is aluminum) boats as did Lone Star. I just re-read your last reply and see that they are both 35's. I had the '58 or '59 Rude 18 hp, the one with the black prop...the paint on your Rude cowling seems to be the exact year model I had.

I bought it in Houston (New) for $400 cash (worked on tug boats in the summer to earn the money) and used it to replace a 25 HP Wizard that I had also bought new a season earlier. My buddies ran OMC (their dad's boats) and I just felt that I was having trouble getting up on 2 skis because my Wizard (Merc Mark 30 derivative) didn't have the cubes and low end torque to get me up....was a wash.

We boated in Clear and Taylor Lakes primarily, near where NASA is now. The water was coastal marsh and usually only 2 ft deep with 3 ft of mud so we didn't even have to wear life preservers.....just fall off, dig yourself outta-da-mud, get your tips up, wait for the rope to come by and away you go again.

Anyway I kept the engine in my room where I slept....and my mom let me do it.....great mom. Didn't want anything to happen to it.

We both know that "quality" survives the test of time. These boats certainly have done that as has the Ford N series tractors that are still kicking and bringing more money than they cost new.

You are dealing with the general public on this forum and dialogueing with people from all walks of life, nationalities, experiences, and incomes. Some of us enjoy it and have fun most of the time. Some times we get into arguments and some times we support each other, but in the end the reader wins because they get to see many variations of the story and the cure and if the answer isn't laid out for them, they usually have enough info to make up their own minds.

"Beins you are a Captain" you have experienced a lot of this and all.....so sir, in all due respect.....Get A Grip. We aren't making fun of your "antique" which by the way seems to be in STELLAR condition for the year-model.




Oct 23, 2008
Re: Drilling the transom...

Nice looking boat!

You could use something like this.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Drilling the transom...

If the shoe fits...
Thanks to those with positive responses...much appreciated.
My TM was a derelict when I found it in a marina yard...several years refitting it and the trailer, and restoring the twin OMC's myself...that's why I want the transom drilled correctly...only want four holes there without half a caulking tube of sealant to boot. And yeah...I can be cranky in the morning...who ain't sometimes?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: Drilling the transom...

um yeah get a grip.... you got GREAT advice from several people and all you can say is that it isn't up to your standards on your (better than anyone else's) boat.... If that thing is so priceless maybe you shouldn't be too cheap or lazy to find a drill press and make a drill guide.... If anyone needs to rethink the way they behave on a forum it ISN'T us.

Besides I said rocket SURGERY not science..... that was funny and deserves a laugh

Good luck tho....


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 22, 2011
Re: Drilling the transom...

Disclaimer: this might be dumb and wrong

on the three times I've hung a motor... I just hung the motor up, tightened the transom clamps and then did the thru bolts using the motor mounts as a guide... I have had no problem doing it like that...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Drilling the transom...

Must be a full moon! or low caffiene levels

Mi duckdown

Apr 14, 2007
Re: Drilling the transom...

Sorry I posted, how to correctly drill thru a transom with the correct angle.+or- a degree