DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
I live in an area where it's near impossible to find anything boat or fiberglass repair related. I managed to find the materials I needed but couldn't come up with a fiberglass roller anywhere.

Being used to having to come up with alternative ideas to get stuff done around here, I wandered aimlessely about a couple of hardware stores looking for ideas. I came up with a roller you can make yourself for under 10 bucks. Try to buy a commercial one for that!

Here 'tis...


It consists of a file handle, a piece of 1/4" all-thread, fender washers of 2 different diameters with a 1/4" hole, and (3) 1/4" nuts.

To make it you'll need a hacksaw, vice, and a propane torch to bend the all-thread.

Be careful in bending the all-thread. Make sure you get it cherry hot and bend it very slowly, otherwise it will get brittle and break at the bend.

Determine how wide you want the roller and make a 90 degree bend. (I wouldn't go any more than 4 or 5 Inches) Then leave about an inch or so and make another 45 degree bend inward. Try to eyeball where your center for the handle needs to be and then make another bend so that the handle will be perpendicular to the roller. Cut the excess all-thread leaving 3 or 4" for attachment of the file handle.

Thread one nut on the end of the roller shaft all the way to the 90 degree bend. Put the washers on starting with a small diameter one, then next a larger diameter one and so on ending with a small diameter washer. Leave enough space at the end to accomodate 2 nuts. Thread the 2 nuts on, adjusting the 1st one so that the washers roll freely but remain very close together. Lock that nut in place using (2) 7/16 wrenches with the second nut.

Wha-la! DIY Fiberglass Roller. Works just as well as any commercial one. I rolled in the matt glass in the back of my transom with it and it worked beautifully. No air bubbles, nice clear adhesion.

Enjoy! :cool:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

Great roller! Looks like it has good heft. No wonder it works well!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

Yup, it's got a little weight to it, not so much as to be unweildy but enough to get some pressure going. I also think it's better in another way from commercial ones. Each of the washers turns independently so if you make a turn with the roller it doesn't have a tendency to pull at either end. I used to work for a fiberglass fabrication company and all of the rollers we used were solid like most of the ones you buy commercially. Maybe Steve's right.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 22, 2008
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

How do you keep it clean? I now have gobs of dried peanut butter in mine. Should I have soaked it in acetone?


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2005
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

Verry verry cool!! Im doing a deck with poly and mat and cloth tomorrow! So i think im going to make this thing tonight. Attempt it anyhow! I work at Blows so im going to try to get the stuff whyle im there i close tonight. THANKS!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

Yup, gotta clean it with Acetone. If it gets real bad you could tighten it up so the washers lock together and then wire wheel it, or simply replace the washers. BTW you can make variations of it for different applications using fewer or smaller washers, etc.


Edit: Just thought of something that I should have thought of at the hardware store. Plastic Washers! Should be able to easily crack any hardened resin off those. If somebody tries it let me know how it worked out for ya.
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Jan 8, 2007
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

No need for acetone if you use epoxy.

Just keep a container of household white vinegar big enough to hold it, and soak it in that. Works wonders.


Aug 10, 2002
Re: DIY Fiberglass Roller 4 U

Clean it like you do a "real" ridge roller. Remove the retainer screw (nut in the homebuilt version) and take the roller off. Clean shaft and roller (or washers) in acetone and reassemble.