Did yall see that vidio?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Did yall see the vidio of that B!tch hitting that poor 4 year old girl.<br /><br />That lady does not need to ever think about that child again....they can bring her to my house right now and i'll have five kids.<br /><br />I already got 2 kids that way....Yes 2 of the 4 I have I got from a bad mother that was on crack.<br /><br />I'll have them forever and they are the same as my own kids and soon (If C.F.S. ever gets off thier butts) they will also have my last name.<br /><br />The wife and I just could'nt take watching those kids go through that....They used to be my brother-in-law's wife's kids....She was NO mother and he was NO father.<br /><br />If we had not taken them they most likely would have been broken up and sent to a foster home and then permanantly broken up for adoption....O h#ll no....We snatched them up.<br /><br />In a way it was kinda funny....I went from haveing 1 child to haveing 4 in less than a month because we got them when my wife was 8 months pregnant.<br /><br />I could not Aford it then and I still am realy struggleing to get by, but for kids I would give up alot of things to make sure they got a fair chance in life....They deserve it.<br /><br />When we saw that vidio my Jaw hit the ground. I looked over to my wife and she was gone...then I looked up....she was suspended in mid-air like that dude on "the matrix". Eyes glowing red and 4 sets of claws out just waiting to pounce on the TV.<br /><br />All I can say is she better not come to FL.<br /><br />After my wife saw that It would take the entire Marine Corps. to keep her from killing that B!tch.<br /><br />She is going to have a hard time in jail.... They don't like child beaters in a womans prison....those ladies in there will show her what a beaten is for sure.<br /><br />I hate pepole like that and feel soooooooo sorry for the kids.<br /><br />Madwood.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Derwood, that ones gone around the world. Yes we got it here in NZ too.<br />I say that ***** deserves to loose them. From what I saw there is no excuse for treatment like that. <br />I accidently taped it waiting for another program to come on and when we watched it the second time I was surprised to observe she actually looked around to see if anybody was watching first! Then she laid into that kid. It looked like she wsas trying to strangle her afterward. Then she appears on TV herself saying it wasn't that bad.<br />We all saw the devistating way she showed how much she loves her child. The police say the reason the family haven't custody is because of the nomadic travels of the gypsy lifestylers.<br />Apparently she'd just been refused a refund for property she hadn't even bought at the same store she was attempting to rip off!!<br />Sorry lady I for one don't fall for that!<br />Derwood mate, I'm sure you and yours would make that child a lovely mom & dad. You go for it sport.<br />Ross


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

i didn't see it, but heard on the radio - i bet the woman will get a hard sentence for it, plus physical beatings behind the bars. i just hope the child can be taught how to get past it without too many emotional scars. and i hope the attention helps others in this situation get noticed too. i have seen this childhood trauma firsthand in several instances, just when i was too young to do much about it.<br /><br />1 good thing came out of it - the bad person got caught...<br /><br />and dagwood, for being a surrogate father - to borrow a phrase from across the sea - "good on ya mate" for that. i think that rates up there with teachers, lawmen and firemen :)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

I guess that falls into the catagory of Specialwood or Heartwood :D Hmmmmm all those kids and wife in the shade tree special :eek: <br /><br />Blesswood.<br /><br />Bob


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

amen brotherwood!<br />my wife will gladly hold her down while your wife beats her a$$!<br />I never knew you were such a rich man... you should<br />be very proud of the great wealth you have accumulated<br />in this life.<br />warm regards,<br />M.Y.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Derwood, I have seen the video more thimes than I care to mention. every time, it makes me so angry. Your are right, she even looked to see if there was anyone watching. She says she is not that bad, she has no right to have children. That little girl who did absolutely nothing wrong did not deserve a talking to let alone everything including the punches to the head. I hope she goes away for a long time. I also don't believe her that she has never done anything like that before. With people like that, it is a lifelong thing unless they get help. Derwood, congratulations on the kids. You have proven that you and your wife are some of the best people out there. Take care of those kids and keep fixing the old boat.


Jan 3, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

That video twists my stomach, All I think about watching that is that helpless little girl so fragile. I cant imagine doing that two any of my three girls.<br />What gets me is her sister standing on the other side of the SUV. I like that she was charged also.<br /> <br />The store policy is to follow people that TRY to return something the way she did with the cameras.<br /> Way to go Kohl’s, Thank you for having such a store policy. You caught a monster. <br />I also really don’t care what the critics say<br />"That is the way we punished kids years back!" What! With a closed fist! ERRR <br /> <br />Ok, I'm good now.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Since this is basically a nautical board, perhaps we should suggest to the Court that this lady should have to serve her sentence as an anchor.<br /><br />Go for it, Kinderwood!<br /><br />BTW, been meanin' to say something to you. I've noticed a certain literary talent in some of your stories. They're simple, but very descriptive and entertaining, leaving the reader with a visual experience. This artistic ability is the soul of authors of childrens' books. With all the material you have around there with the kids and stuff, you're a natural!<br /><br />In my opinion, Thornton Burgess was one of the all-time best authors of childrens stories. Run a search, and see if you don't find some similarities. Besides, I'll bet your kids would like some of the stories. Try this one for a sampling: http://www.boop.org/jan/omww/ <br /><br />Maybe a new career?


Jan 6, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

That video really made my blood boil. She deserves everything she is about to get... What I didn't understand was, she was able to get out of jail for $5000. The two guys that jumped that Cubs coach had to fork over 50k each to get out.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

I have thought from the first day you posted on this site, that if you lived closer, we would be fishin buds...Now I'm sure of it.<br />And that monster and those like her, are mentally ill. It's sad, but what is sadder,is that this beast was allmost 100% surely brought up in a household that treated HER like that.<br />At least,that's the national average. Very sad,as the vicous cycle sees yet another generation of evil .

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

The woman was also a member of one the "Traveler" sects. These are the people who travel around the country conning you on house repairs, driveway black-topping and whatever else they can think of to get your money. Every cop in the U.S. knows about them, because they are everywhere. Agree that her actions hitting little girl are repulsive. Have seen a lot of bad things in my life, but had to look away whenever this came on TV.


Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Derwood,<br /><br />Riches are not always measured monetarily. You sir are wealthy beyond comparison.<br /><br />I salute you.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

It's a discrace to Humanity...Too bad there aren't more people like Derwood around..The world is a better place because you Mr. Goodwood..Sir.. ;)


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Although as parents (and sometimes as teachers) we believe in spankings as a punishment I bet I could gather up a large lynch mob in short order. We had an incident with a child (15) that had finger bruises as well as others in noticable places. The first thing I did was to take said child to the nurse having someone else tell an administrator to meet us there. The nurse agreed with my first thought and so did the administrator and officer (SRO) who showed up in short order. The SRO was phoned by the administrator and both arrived in short order with the background details the other teacher had given them for me. Already the ropes were being laid out and the torches lit. After a little investigation and the student was made aware that we thought it was his mother he confessed he had suffered the bruises from the hands of another student off campus. Mom did not have a clue that he had been in a fight as he had snuck out that night and left before she woke up that morning. Needless to say I was glad it was not the parent. <br />BTW for those who say why blame the mother they are not that strong this woman works in a junk yard pulling part and can hoist transmissions and such just like the man working there. She is also known to drink and be borderline abusive as is.


May 16, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Having been a Paramedic for to many years(Retired Now since 89) I have seen my fair share of extreme abuses done to Children.<br /><br />I couldn't begin to tell you the Children we would bring to the ER with Multible Broken bones or the Scars of lashings recieved from prior punishments. Can you Imagine seeing a Small child with Cigarette burns over their small bodies and the Parents not having a clue on how it happened? I have and much more. She was just One out of thousands who actually got caught.<br /><br />Public Awarness is more acute now then twenty years ago. Everyday across the USA ERs see this stuff every day. Its the Liitle Taters who can't Defend themselves against these demented persons that my heart feels for.<br /><br />CommpassionWood you are a rarity in todays society and there will always be a seat on my boat for you............


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Well thanks gents,<br /><br />I did'nt put this post up to blow my own horn, I just was mad about that beast hitting that child.<br /><br />When me and my wife took the foster parents class we learned some stuff that we wish we were ignorent to now.<br /><br /> In sumpter CO. alone there are over 500 children that need a foster home to go to while there lives get wrecked. I say wrecked because In a strange way even though they know they are in a bad place being treated like animals....It still Wipes them out to be taken away from their parents.<br /><br />Out of all those kids there were (at the time we were in the class) only FIFTEEN foster homes for them to go to.<br /><br />Children and faimly services are in a realy bad way as well. And I can see why....while we were at class at least three times there were barefoot children with NOTHING OF THEIR OWN running around in the building because there was no place to put them for the night....They slept in an office with one of the case workers....SAD!<br /><br />They are understaffed, Underpaid, Overworked and spread so thin that there is no way they could ever be afective at the very thing they are trying to do....And bad things happen because of it.<br /><br />We can't take anymore kids into our home because of space and the fact that we are now poorer than burnt dirt....they are supposed to give us assistance with that....YEA RIGHT....but we get buy somehow and thats what is important.<br /><br />It just kills me to see things like this go on and for pepole to feel this way twords children when All I can think of when I get off work Is comming home to see mine and catch my first smile of the day. <br /><br />Its funny....No matter how bad my day has been (and I've had some bad ones) when I get home and my 1.3 year old reaches for me to get picked up....Instant smile!<br /><br />Wish I could bottle it....If I could I would give it away for free and create wourld peace.<br /><br />Derwood.


Jan 3, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

derwood, each time you write you make me want to go home at that moment and hug my kids.<br />God bless you. ;)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Did yall see that vidio?

Congratulations Derwood ...you'd better add "Superwood" to your list of -wood titles. Taking those children into your family was and is a heroic deed (and lets not forget Mrs Superwood!) ;) Well done friend.