This battle was fought many software versions ago. With a software update, management tried to eliminate the edit function. The Body rose up and smote them. Live with it! We won the right to have it (with no edit notations) and hopefully it is here to stay!!
Yacht Dr., you are a lone voice in the wilderness. Do not let your own voice deafen you!
How much wood would a woodchuck would if a woodchuck would chuck wood ?
Who knows my first post at a member .. that is my point .. It does not show that I have Edited my First post and the body of the first ... It can be changed to anything I want now..
4 times I have now edited this post .. Nobody knows I did this beside the mods ( or someone quick enough to quote ) ..
Question remains ..
If I edit someone else's posts I definitely leave a reason or an Edit note in the body of the post, usually both. If I edit my own after a millesecond (which I do often) I usually won't note it. If it is later, or has been quoted I fess up to my typos. Either way the edit function isn't going anywhere. If you guys would stop bickering, no one would need to remove anything . . .
Editing a post after it has been replied to can often change the meaning of the thread. Often responses are present that make no sense since the original has been edited.
some suggestions based on how edit works on other sites
1. Limit the edit function to 1 hour, 1 day or something similar.
2. Always indicate the post has been edited even if no reason is given.