Deck Replacement on my Power Cat


May 9, 2012
I have just discovered that the deck of my boat is completely rotten out.The previous owner had covered it with plywood and re-carpeted it. I am a complete newbie to boating, but something didnt seem right about the way it handle across the water. About 2 days ago I noticed a drip from under the boat. A small fracture in a previous patch was leaking.
With that I decided to pull the floor up. What I found was a rotten wood and water logged foam.
I am in the process of removing the old floor right now. Carefully cutting it around the edges and pulling it up.
There is nothing about that deck that will not need replaced. I have purchased the material to redo the fiberglass. Still need to take measurements to see what wood needs bought. Really it doesnt look like alot to it. Other than trying to locate a store that sells foam.
When I buy wood , should I get treated lumber? There are 3 pieces ( 2 - 1x4 / 1 - 1x6 ) that run the length of the stringers and then plywood for the deck.
As far as foam goes , will styrofoam blocks be ok to use?

My PC is having trouble uploading photos. I will try again in a bit.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Deck Replacement on my Power Cat

Buying your foam online will be your best bet, this place has good prices and service:

Don't use pressure treated lumber, it is very wet inside and your fiberglass resin won't penetrate or boand. Use a good quality exterior grade plywood like ABX.

You should take core samples from your stringers and transom too, usually when the deck is rotten on a glass boat so are the stringers and transom.

Lots of A-holes do the cover up the rotten stuff with new plywood and carpet to unload a rotten boat thing, they should be flogged within an inch of their lives!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Deck Replacement on my Power Cat

Once the deck is remove you should do a thorough inspection of the stringers, transom and any bulkheads. Typically if the Deck is rotten the Stringers and transom will have issues as well. You should make sure they are sound before covering them back up with that new deck. The first link in my signature below has drawings and good info on how to fabricate everything.


May 9, 2012
Re: Deck Replacement on my Power Cat

That is some good info for sure.
The transom thus far seems to be ok. I am going to give a thorough inspection before it hits the water again tho.
The stringers however... they are toast. So I will be cutting new ones for sure. I will use the ABX.
Today I finished removing the floor. Luckily this isnt a huge boat , so hopefully it wont take long to rebuild.
It seems that at some point in the life of this boat the floor has been redone. I have to say, who ever did it really liked expand-o-foam , lol.
I am going to do the best I can to build it back with quality. I am a skilled tradesman when it comes to constructing things.
Although I am going to have to keep on budget. ( doesnt mean I aim to cut corners )
With that in mind.... If I applied what someone may consider an acceptable bare minimum in to materials... What could I get away with?
I ask this after referencing the diagrams on rebuilding decks.
As some one who only knows very little about this, it was my plan to reverse engineer what I took apart and rebuild it as what it appeared to be.
Basically, cut stringers to exact dimensions of the ones I removed; Install and secure them. ; Install foam ; Cut the deck to fit accordingly - then cover with the glass cloth / resin ; Install decking ; Then seam it up around the edges.
I guess my main concern is about safety. If I were to do something wrong or not well enough... what will / or could happen when I get on the water?
I know that I could feel the boat tweeking as it hit wakes at full speed... it was enough to scare me to slowing it down. I figure that was due to the rotten floor.