Re: Decarbonizing Ficht Motor?
Hi,John.<br />The problem with carbon fouling is universal to all 2cycle engines, regardless of how they draw the fuel in.It is the biproduct of burning fuel with oil residuals. The oil doesn't burn as well as the gas, and makes carbon,or coke. It can really harm an engine by getting under the ring lands, foul plugs, and even clog exaust manifold with a black,sticky coal-like goo.<br />You can use any of the OMC,Quicksilver, or aftermarket decarb cleaners. There are two types..Additive (mixed-in with the fuel in the tank), and areosol (SP),wich is applied by spraying directly into the intake. There is a spray-type that can be "plugged-into" some of the newer injected engines,using the "Fogger-fitting". <br />These are brand-specifific, and can be found at the dealer,or shop the repairs these engines. All of them do the same job. All you need to do, is follow the directions on the particular can or bottle you buy.<br />It's a good idea to replace the plugs afterward,as they have about the same maintainance interval, and these products do strange things to the plugs (don't ask,I don't know)..But they sometimes foul quickly after decarb cleaning.<br />One other point that may not be in the instructions..You can not decarb "too-much", no matter what some might think.<br />In other werdz, it won't harm it,and can only benifit from frequent use, more so, if you idle around a bunch.