decarbing question...


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2007
When you decarb an old Evinrude (Late 50's), there is the big air silencer in the way... I read that you take it out and spray gas mixed with seafoam OR seafoams's deep creep down into the carb... It seems to obvious... BUT, is there a way to do that without taking all that stuff off?

I have never done this before and have read... maybe 50 different methods based on everything from a honda civic to a snowblower...

I am still early in my learning curve and apologize for the "entry level" question.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: decarbing question...

seafoam and seafoam deep creep are the exact same product. one is just in a spray can, and more expensive. to decarb, the air silencer has to come off, in order to be able to spray directly into the carb. during this process, you only straight seafoam to spray into carb and cylinders, seafoam will clean the carbon and crud out of the engine, but will not clean the carb, it will keep a clean carb clean, but will not clean it.

seafoam is like an enemy, it gets all the old crap out.

Decarb, take a can of seafoam put 3/4 of it in the gas tank, with only 1 gallon of premixed gas. put the rest in a spray bottle. start the engine, and let it come up to temperature. then remove plugs, and them some real good shot of seafoam into the cylinders, replace plugs, let sit 15 minutes. restart, and spray the rest of the seafoam into the carbs, so the the motor almost stalls, wait and repeat until the seafoam is gone.then take for a wide open spin. then put in new plugs, ad premixed gas to the tank, and take it for a wide open throttle spin. it is going to smoke like a house on fire, during this process.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 28, 2008
Re: decarbing question...

When all this is done, what does it do for you?

Does the engine run smoother? Faster? More fuel efficient?

Or does it make the engine last longer?

What is the benifit to me?



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: decarbing question...

asdasc, ex-lax, enemia, both good descriptions, it cleans all the built up carbon, unburnt fuel, crud out of the internals of the motor. the motor will run better, more efficiently, cooler. it is general maintenance, to keep the motor running properly. benefit cleaner, better runnning motor. overall proper care, fuel oil mixture, make the last longer. there are 55 year old motors still working everyday.


Chief Petty Officer
May 3, 2008
Re: decarbing question...

The main benefit I see from decarbon treatments are with the piston rings. Carbon and gummy coke can, over time and depending on usage, literally seal the rings to the piston. One hasty warm up on a cool morning the piston could expand irregularly causing the ring to clip the intake or exhaust port. So unless you like feeding your engine spring steel shrapnel a decarb treatment should be on your list for an ounce of prevention. There can be a noticeable improvement in compression and therefore smoother operation after a decarb.