Not a fan of the segments at the moment. I'm trying to remain open-minded. I'm hoping it makes the 1 1/2 mile tracks more interesting to watch rather than the bore of the past. Maybe they won't be spread all around the track when there are points to be had per segment. But in a way, it seems that these segments are fuel mileage "like" events. Do we short pit? Do we stay out? Do we pit with 3 laps to go before the segment ends?
It appears on the surface that racing is even more so put in the chiefs hands instead of deciding it on the track. That I don't like, just like the mileage races. If one crew is quicker than another and they get their guy out of the box the quickest, then great. But I want to the race to be decided on the track and not on a bunch of guys computers. Yes, there will some of that, but it appears that the segments are making it more prevalent.....
Speaking of Chief, I hear Big Chief, Street Outlaws, is going back to a '70 Pontiac which contains a door from the one he wrecked. Probably the only thing that survived....