Re: covering the inside of the sides
I'm real weight concious on my boats, so I normally just paint the inside of those panels along with the area up in the bow and such. Maybe shoot some spray can automotive 'texture coating' on first so it looks like fake vinyl if the area is sort of 'ugly' from dings or other things having been mounted there. <br /><br /><br />A little fancier is to put vinyl where you can see in through the holes or whatever. It can be glued on pretty easily. Make a pattern or cut out the shape ya need & stick it on. Its easier if you do it before you install the side pannels. <br /><br />Any place that sells auto paint or auto upholstery supplies will have glue in a spray can for glueing on vinyl tops that will do a heck of a job.<br /><br />I've seen carpet in there, but you'll need a heavy bodied glue to hold it up. Outdoor carpet adhesive in the tub you can get at Home Depot will work.