Cooling System Question


Aug 28, 2005
Guys,<br /><br />Went to change out the thermostat in my 1999 Suzuki 115 2 stroke engine. Easy job. Did notice something which I have a question about: the space in the engine where the thermostat sits (housing?) looked pretty rusty. I cleaned it up as best I could, but it’s showing rust. The question is, is this normal for an engine of this age (I estimate 500 hours of run time tops)? It has been used in the salt, so I expect signs of wear, but it was surprising to see all that rust. I know the engine’s cooling system is completely separate from the internal engine components, but are there things I should be concerned about given the condition of that housing? By-The-Way engine runs fine - I'm more concerned with the next 250 hours or so of run-time. <br /><br />Joe