Cooling system keeps getting clogged by pine pollen TLDI50 jet


May 15, 2017
My 50/35 jet keeps becoming clogged by pine pollen which sometimes turns the surface of the water yellow around here. I can usually fix it by reaming out the pee port, but today I reamed that out and still nothing coming out. I kept reaming farther and farther, still nothing. I let it cool down several times and retried, starting to think maybe my pump went out (new this winter). So I gave it one more shot and the water that was barely coming out started getting rather warm, the combination of the warm water melting the pine pollen and me reaming it out with a bottom bouncing metal wire worked and it started working ok, but maybe not quite as strong of a stream as usual, but close.

I think there is still some pollen up in there caked to the wall of the outgoing line. Like a clogged artery.

What can can I do? I was thinking if I had something like a stiff nylon brush like a gun cleaning brush but small enough to fit in there, like maybe .177 pellet cleaning brush or something that may work. Or maybe pumping some goo gone in there, or something that would dissolve the pine pollen?? Fill a trash can with near boiling water and run it through? Maybe there is some kind of metal tobacco pipe cleaner? The stuff hardens like sap or pitch. It is very hard and sticky stuff.


Apr 20, 2008
In the shop, we would use compressed air to blow it back... while the motor is running.