Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2005
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

I thinks it's unfortunate that the consertives are mocking my religion to make a point about the ACLU. Makes me see consertivism in a different light.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Nuke the aclu.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

12Footer said:
Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

I cannot wait for liberal's and the drive-by media's comments to surface..... What do you think about this "event", left wingers?

Something that just ought to make you proud 12. Personally, I could not care less what they do, or what their message is. It does not affect me in the slightest.

What is your point 12? You trying to get a rise out of someone. I don't think it will work to well.

To answer your question, I think little of it.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

I agree completely, CJY.

Who cares? Certainly the ACLU wouldn't care. And if someone tried to interfere, I'm also sure the ACLU would take up their cause


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Oh BIG DEAL are the Bill O'Rielly gang still bastardizing Christmas for politics? That is sooo last year.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

chugger said:
I thinks it's unfortunate that the consertives are mocking my religion to make a point about the ACLU. Makes me see consertivism in a different light.

"Mocking your religion"? So "your religion" is the ACLU? Strange, but to each ,his own -- freedom of religion and all that rot, eh?

They are "mocking" the ACLU, not the Nativity, birth of my saviour,the three "kings", or his earthly parents.
Me thinks you stepped in it, or I am reading too much into that blurt of yours?
I got a good book for you to read over "the holidays";
"Godless: The Church Of Liberalism" ,by Ann Coulter


CJY said:
Something that just ought to make you proud 12.
It does... Proud that there are still a few self-thinking COLLEGE students out there. I coulda sworn they were ALL being indoctrinated by the likes of Ward Churchill, and was not so proud of our teaching institutions in general... That is, util they stood-up to the ACLU like this!
God Bless Them!!

CJY said:
What is your point 12? You trying to get a rise out of someone. I don't think it will work to well.Personally, I could not care less what they do, or what their message is. It does not affect me in the slightest.
It made me laugh loudly when I heard RUSH LIMBAUGH report this story on his Thursday program.. and i know that must tweak you in addition to the actual content of the report (the source of the media "leak", that is).... after all, you can bet yer "X"mas toddy it wont make your six o'clock eavnin news with Katie.

CJY said:
To answer your question, I think little of it.
Thank you for your honesty.That PRECISELY is why I chose to share this with the forum. I hope their "ACLU Nativity Scene" draws the ACLU and all those who are apathetic out into the light of day.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Reminds me of Animal House. The "Conservative students" had to be the Omegas. And I'm sure 12er has dreams of himself as Dean Wormer.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

BoatBuoy said:
Reminds me of Animal House. The "Conservative students" had to be the Omegas. And I'm sure 12er has dreams of himself as Dean Wormer.
Boatbouy doesn't have to talk-over 12Footer.. 12Footer is right here :)
But i'm sure boatbouy has dreams of himself as Bluto (or John Belushi in real "life").
And boatbouy's book report will be on George Orwell's Animal Farm



Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

12Footer said:
But i'm sure boatbouy has dreams of himself as Bluto (or John Belushi in real "life").

I'll admit, I am developing the physique for it. I need to work on that.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

LOL @ boatbuoy "the physique for it"!!

Make no mistake, they are mocking the Christian religion to make a point about the ACLU. Mildly amusing satire, if ya ask me. ACLU has become a bully, always on the prowl for a fight. IMHO they should start excersizing some discretion in choosing their battles - somewhere, sometime there may actually arise a legitimate need for somebody to defend American Civil Liberties, but the ACLU will have spent all their credibility on crap like this.

CJY, I'd be curious to hear what ya thought of Monty Python's Life of Brian?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

If they were planning on doing it at a church, I'd be very offended. Otherwise it's just another Freedom of Speech thing and they have the right to make themselves look silly. Their point is not at all well made. It's parallel to saying that if you prefer Peace, you're for Bin Laden. Faulty Logic!

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

The name of the blog spot says it all.....


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

check out some of the comments on the blog site:

It's a good thing there's no animals involved, PETA would be all over that.

Unless of course they were participating in a "protected" activity with the wisemen.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

jtexas said:
LOL @ boatbuoy "the physique for it"!!

Make no mistake, they are mocking the Christian religion to make a point about the ACLU.
To quote Danny DeVito, "Whoopsy!!"

The spokseman of the group states,"The whole scene is a tongue-in-cheek way of showing the many ways that the ACLU and the far left are out of touch with the values of mainstream America.”
Clearly, they aren't mocking Christianity. They are mocking the ACLU and it's treatment of it.
They had no problem with the "expression of ART" entitled "pisschrist", while ruling the sculpture, "Ten Commandments" was to be removed from the Alabama capitol building's rotunda.
The duplicity demonstrated therin deisqualifies them as "policeman for freedom of speach/expression" in some people's eyes -- namely MINE.

jtexas said:
Mildly amusing satire, if ya ask me. ACLU has become a bully, always on the prowl for a fight. IMHO they should start excersizing some discretion in choosing their battles - somewhere, sometime there may actually arise a legitimate need for somebody to defend American Civil Liberties, but the ACLU will have spent all their credibility on crap like this.
PRECISELY.. You get it, tex. I feel the same way about it, word-for-word.
But we can expect little more from any "union". :)

jtexas said:
CJY, I'd be curious to hear what ya thought of Monty Python's Life of Brian?
I'll give you mine, even tho you didn't axe for it... hillarious, as was all of MP's werk.



Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Maybe these "conservative students" probably all three of them,will grow up and look back at their stunt as just another way to distract attention from their pimples.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Quote 12footer
I cannot wait for liberal's and the drive-by media's comments to surface..... What do you think about this "event", left wingers?

What I would do if I were a progressive student on that campus?

Hhheemm…Well how about this in response, how about instead of Gary and Joseph, as Mary and Joseph, we have instead Oreilly and Coulter. We cant have a empty manger now can we? So of course we would have Baby Rush in the manger.

What kind of Scene would it be without the three wise men, how about Rupert Murdoch, shaun hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, bearing gifts for baby rush. This would be taking place in the left wing of the campus of course.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

Mmmm..nice, touch, treedancer.
I guess even that university has it's "left wing of the campus", huh?

If so, Im sure it's already been done. :'(



Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Conservative students to display “ACLU nativity scene”

ever notice how all Universities have degree programs in "Liberal Arts", but none have "Conservative Arts"?

Unless you count the MBA program, I guess.