Re: Concerned neighbor
Re: Concerned neighbor
Everyone but the Banksters are treading water, or sinking. Virtually all of my 30-something friends that went to Law School now work from their couch with $100k in debt, my buddy with a masters degree in Chemical Engineering got laid off and now works in a patent office. I can't give myself away to a medical school, or janitor job for that matter, and I have 2 degrees and a 3.9 pre-med GPA and I'm also tens of thousands of dollars in debt. With very few exceptions (e.g the Stock market, "financial services" sector, etc....), most industries are stagnant at best with no clear end in sight. The main problem is credit. The banks have more cash than ever, but they simply won't lend it out at a reasonable rate, if at all, and we can't make them do so because that would go against our "Free Market principals". Meanwhile, they're still "too Big to Fail" and getting bigger by the day. The fact that they're hopelessly interwoven with their supposed regulators doesn't help either. Unfortunately, the same sort of thing seems to be on the rise in Canada as well thanks to the Big Oil boys et. al.
Just gotta be persistent and hold their feet to the fire and elect folks you think will keep them honest. After all, in a democracy you always get the government you deserve. We have no one to blame, but our selves. Most of them have a +90% incumbency rate because we keep re-electing the same 100 yokels from the same 3 Ivy League schools over, and over, and over, and over again, so of course they never learn and neither do we.