Concern: Buying 2004 I/O in salt water 1 season


Feb 13, 2006
I am considering buying a Chaparral 2004 18 ft I/O with 13 hrs of operation that was kept on a mooring in salt water for one year. I will be using the boat in fresh water. The boat appears to be in excellent shape. I do not see any salt water damage. The boat is 150 miles away so I can't have my mechanic survey the boat. The dealer bought the boat in a repo auction; I am getting an excellent price. The dealer warrants the engine and drive train for one season. How can I inspect the boat engine for salt damage? Any other thoughts on reducing my risk? :)


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Concern: Buying 2004 I/O in salt water 1 season

if it was a repo just think of all the maint it got, however if the dealer will warrenty it and you get a professional survey of the hull and drivetrain it may be ok.


Feb 13, 2006
Re: Concern: Buying 2004 I/O in salt water 1 season

Rodbolt. I forgot to mention that the boat has 13 hrs. Before I buy it, I will be looking at it again. Any suggestions as to what I can look for to identify damage?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Concern: Buying 2004 I/O in salt water 1 season

At 13 hrs the previous owner could have totally neglected it and not hurt it. Merc is proud of their corrosion resistant aluminum and has the sacrificial zinc elements strategically placed to do the galvanic thing instead of your aluminum.<br /><br />When you get her the first thing is to change all fluids; engine, drive line as applicable, and lower unit.<br /><br />Drain the fuel tank and refill with fresh fuel.<br /><br />Change any filters (oil, water separating fuel) etc.<br /><br />Then I'd give the hull a good scrubbing to remove any scale or algie buildup and you should be set to go.<br /><br />The impeller surely isn't worn out, but may have distorted due to sitting in one spot for a long time. I wouldn't just go and change it arbitrairly. Just watch your engine gauges especially the first hour or so and you'll know where you are.<br /><br />Good luck,<br /><br />Mark