composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2004
on researching replacing the floor on my 1960 monkey wards seaking, I went to the library and checked out a couple books on fiberglass boat repair, problem was the eureka libaray did not have up to date meterial. old books. however it did list several composit flooring material that comes in 3x6 sheets with varying thicknesses.up to i belive 6 inch thick. some better than other or diffrent characteristics.they listed 3 at least.good, better, best.the best composit was water proof, and not effected by oil or gas. sorry but i cant remenber the make up of them and im sure there are many more brands now. so my question is my boat had a floor that consisted of some kind of wooden rails,fiberglass weave laid up and down over the wood and glassed then 1/4 ply with a thin layer of fiberglass mat that was glassed over.<br /><br />It would seem to me that this composit meteral staggered with the sealed ply over and glassed would make a far more superier floor than prior materals. could probly skip the ply as some of the composit meteral can be glassed directly. that is if you dident have seats mounted through the floor. I also think in my particlar situation that it would vastly improve the integrity of the hull over the old system.<br /> one problem I could see is how to obtain the shape of the hull on 3x6 sheets that might be trickey.<br />please any comments let me have it


Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

There are few items stronger, easier to work with and as cost effective as plywood. When treated correctly, it will last longer than I'll ever need it to.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2004
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

thanks DJ<br />the project or the question is really below the ply. The fiberglass weave over wooden slats that actually create the structal support of the hull floor,and in my case,I assume the hull its self. converting it over to composit with ply and glassed.<br />it seems that it might be easer to deal with the composit than the fiberglass weave and wooden slates which both can and did took 40 years but all the same it rotted. adds bouyncy, not sure on the weight difference, all voids are filled.<br />just looking for advice, opinons, whatever.any opinion is better than none. Hit me boys!


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2004
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

you mean to tell me that none of you folks have any opinons on the new or various composits for floor replacement? except you of course dj thanks.<br />no info? no why, why not? <br />any body use the stuff? falls apart, gets spongy, lasts forever, junk.<br />never used it, new a guy that used it?<br />anything?????<br />Thanks Ben

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

You might want to use the "search" function on this forum for this subject has come up many times. I have done a little research, and have never come up with anything that would take me away from plywood. Alot of folks on this forum have spent countless hours and dollars fixing their boats so that they can be on the water, and may not be available at this particular moment, be patient...just a thought :)


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2004
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

thanks, chief 101<br />thanks and duly noted. I have tried to run a search, nothing comes up. thats what I do frist maybe my terms are off, any suggestions for the search? ill try changing things up.<br />enjoy the the water,<br />ben


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 29, 2004
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

doh, <br />I found em, thanks

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

kelwendee...I'd like to know what conclusions you come up with...I build an repair alot of boats and always interested in new ideas... :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 12, 2003
Re: composit floor vrs. fiberglass weave

I think the main reason you haven't really had any takers about composit floors is that they are really expensive if you can find a supplier for the material. I looked into using Divinacell but was unable to find anyone here in Jacksonville that had heard of it. When I fiannally did find someone that carried the material I found out it ran close to $150 a sheet. That didn't include shipping either which wasn't going to be cheap because of the size (4x8 sheets).