Coming to your favorite radio station near you


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
I have been listening to KLOL for ever. Guess we all need to start learning a little more spanish. Clear Channel is on my banned list.<br /><br />Ken<br /><br />KLOL suddenly speaking Spanish<br />Venerable rock station switches to a new format<br />By CLIFFORD PUGH<br />Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle<br /><br />In a clear signal of the growing media clout of Houston-area Hispanics, radio behemoth Clear Channel Communications has yanked legendary rock station KLOL-FM (101.1) off the air and replaced it with a format that radio insiders call "Spanglish Top 40."<br /><br />The switch took place Friday morning when the new station — now called Mega 101 FM (with the tag line "Latino and Proud") — began playing 10,101 songs in a row.<br /><br />The new format is a mixture of Spanish hip-hop, reggaeton and pop/dance music aimed at listeners between 18 and 34 years old. Music in Spanish by artists ranging from the rapper Pitbull to pop star Shakira will be accompanied by DJs using a combination of English and Spanish.<br /><br />Clear Channel officials said Houston is the first city in the nation to get the new format.<br /><br />With the format change, the station is targeting young second- and third-generation Latinos, said Adam Jacobson, editor of industry trade publication Radio and Records.<br /><br />"There are many Hispanics in the United States who grew up speaking English but are very proud to be called Latino," Jacobson said. "That's what Clear Channel wants to go after."<br /><br />But he cautioned it would take time for the new format to take hold.<br /><br />With the format change, Houston now has 16 stations that appeal to a Spanish-speaking audience.<br /><br />The move caught longtime KLOL listeners by surprise.<br /><br />"There was no warning at all," said Chris Beck, a 32-year-old cook.<br /><br />"I'm 35 and it's been on the air as long as I can remember," said a real estate salesman who did not want to be identified. "It's quite a shocker."<br /><br />He called Clear Channel headquarters in San Antonio to complain and is encouraging his friends to do the same.<br /><br />Once known as "The Texas Rock 'n' Roll Authority," KLOL went on the air in 1970 and has featured rock music ever since.<br /><br />Through the years, the station has been known for its bad-boy disc jockeys, including the morning duo of Stevens and Pruett and evening DJ Moby.<br /><br />The current morning duo, Walton and Johnston, had the seventh-most-popular morning show in Houston, according to the most recent Arbitron radio rankings. The station was in a tie for 15th among listeners age 12 and older.<br /><br />On their Web site, Walton and Johnston announced that they were informed of the change "by lower-level management sources via a last-minute phone call" on Thursday night. Their Friday show was a rerun before the format change took place at 10 a.m.<br /><br />In September, Clear Channel, the largest U.S. radio broadcaster with more than 1,200 stations, vowed to embark on an aggressive plan to convert as many as 25 of its stations to a Spanish-language format in the next 12-18 months.<br /><br />The company recently dropped a rock format that had been in effect for 36 years at a San Jose, Calif., station in favor of an oldies-based, regional Mexican format.<br /><br />Prior to the Houston format change, none of Clear Channel's eight area stations were broadcast in Spanish.<br /><br />Clear Channel's pitch for Spanish-speaking listeners is the latest sign that large corporations are recognizing the importance of the growing Hispanic market.<br /><br />Such heavyweights as NBC and Viacom are among the media giants that have bought communications companies that appeal to a predominantly Hispanic audience. Univision Communications, the largest U.S. Spanish-language television and radio broadcaster, already owns 68 radio stations, including eight in Houston.<br /><br />"Corporate America and the boardroom are staring to realize, 'Wow, we're really behind the curve. We've got to catch up,' " said Alex Lopez Negrete, president of Lopez Negrete, a Houston-based advertising agency.<br /><br />Even so, Negrete is saddened by the loss of KLOL.<br /><br />"On a personal basis, I am every bit a rocker as I am a salsero. Will I miss KLOL that I've listened to for 34 years? Absolutely.<br /><br />"Will I switch to Mega? They'll have to convince me like they have to convince the rest of the market, because we have our favorites."


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

That stinks, Ken...
<br /><br />Consider this.. In South Florida, about every other station on the dial is spanish jibberish.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

It's starting here on thre other side of the state now, Snapper. I guess it's enevitable.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

They shoulda' had more cow bell. :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

English speakers are soon to be in a minority in several states.<br /><br />Ken

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

KLOL was a good station. In 92 I lived in Spring and would jam out to them every day. What a loss.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

One of the few Clear Channel rock stations left is around here. DC101 is where Howard Stern and a lot of others started there careers. For the last week Elliot in the morning has been making fun of the fact they will probably be next. A couple reasons they give is there is a large amount of south of the boarder residents around DC and if you look at the history of the biggest fines handed out to radio stations , Elliot is on the list for #3and #4. #’s 1, 2 and 5 are no longer on the radio. It is only a matter of time. With satellite coming on strong it is now like it was when I was a kid. Only a few had cable now I don't know anyone without at least basic cable or sat. If you don't plan on getting sat radio sooner or later you better hold on to those old CD’s, albums, cassettes, 8 tracks because you wont here them on the airwaves there just not profitable anymore. :(


Jun 20, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

Same exact thing happened here. KSJO has been a rock station in San Jose for, I believe, 36 years. Without warning it switched to a spanish format a few weeks ago. Also owned by Clear Channel.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

Do they make cowbells that clunk in Spanish??<br /> :D


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

Ya its clunk, clunk, clunk. The cowbell is universal. :D


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

I don't understand why they would take one of Houston's most popular rock stations and ruin it for the vast majority.<br /><br />We've been listening since 1981. :(


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

There must be an economic reason for it.<br /><br />1. Rock and Roll listners are dwindling, considering there is no new Rock and Rock being produced to keep teenagers listening. Its all hip hop, and pop music now.<br /><br />2. The hispanic population will only increase, never decrease.<br /><br />Both of those combined created the switch. Why would clear channel stick with a market that will only shrink, when they can swith to a market that can only expand.<br /><br />I still dont like it at all, and have sent an e-mail to clear channel.<br /><br />Ken


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

I have a hard time blaming the radio station. They are only responding to the marketplace. How exactly did we end up with so many spanish only speaking residents considering our immigration policy and the fact english is what is taught in our schools. <br /><br />I suppose they are all casa schooled/legal residents. Or not


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 19, 2004
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

The every other radio station being a foreign language irks me too... But what really ticks me off is my local cable TV. I have at least four Spanish speaking stations. We also have BET (Black Entertainment TV). No offence against African-Americans, but the local A-A population has to be less than 1%. And I'm paying for this!!! I hope I'm not coming off as a biggot, because I'm not. My point is that our community is paying for a significant amount of programming that is useless to the vast majority of us. What's up with that.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

Boy McGR <br />With only 92 posts you are coming out of the gate WOT. You will be fun to read over the winter. :D


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

I can't handle hearing Hotel California, or Stairway to Heaven anymore, let alone in Spanish. Hard to imagine "Rockin' to the sound of PINK" Yuck. New station "OFF"


Aug 26, 2002
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

These conglomorate radio station owners are attempting to control what we listeners, listen too. <br /><br />They are the one's who decide what is played, and they have very strict song list's, that are not the music that listeners want to hear! <br /><br />These strict song list's have about 30 song's that have been "Approved" for airplay!<br /><br />What ever happened to the radio that we all grew up on? <br /><br />There was never any "list" of music that was "authorized" for airplay! <br /><br />Use to be, you could just call a radio station and make a request for a song, and it could be any song you could think of, even songs such as "Not Now John" by Pink Floyd, and "Catholic Girls" by Frank Zappa, but now, these songs are permanatly banned because these conglomorate owners have deemed that they are not worthy of you listening to them, just because they don't want you to hear them!<br /><br />What a sad day it is for American radio!


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

What about the immortal Louie, Louie banned, Societies Child (Janis Ian) banned, even the ever forgotten RUMBLE by Linc Ray, an instumental. Banned because it "sounded" eerie. <br />In general music radio bites it today. Thank God for CD burners, tapes (Cassette) and my new favorite SILENCE1


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Coming to your favorite radio station near you

here they have started a petition on the return of our station and a form <br /><br /> klol