Clarification on Chrysler 105 w/ magnapower II ignition switch wiring.


May 26, 2016
1976 Chrysler 105, magnapower II

So this is my first time with an outboard. I am a bit confused by the wiring. It did not come with the controls, so I purchased separate. The new control box had no ignition, so I'm going to use a generic marine switch with a push to choke. I have the manual for the motor, and found a nice wiring diagram online. I understand the starting circuit, tach, and think I understand the overheat circuit (sensor just grounds if elevated temp), but the two CD module wires (White & Blue) I'm not sure about. I've marked on the diagram what I think should be positive power at the ignition. Red wire gets battery/rectifier voltage, yellow is energized when you turn the key to start, green is energized when you push to choke, red/blue goes to the buzzer alarm. Do I have that much correct?
This leaves the White and the blue wire for the CD module. Do both of these get + battery voltage, or does one get voltage, and the other route to ground when the key is turned off, or are both of those scenarios wrong? I really don't want to fry something.



May 26, 2016
I had the wrong diagram and information. I've found some new info, as well as the correct wiring diagram. Apparently I have the magnapower II breakerless ignition system. I still have questions on wiring the ignition switch. I'm using a generic marine switch, I just need to know which wires get +battery voltage and/or grounded. Here is what I have so far... RED WIRE is direct battery power supplied to the switch. GREEN WIRE will get +battery voltage when the ignition switch is pushed in for the choke solenoid. YELLOW WIRE will get +battery voltage when you turn the key to start. BLUE WIRE gets +battery voltage to the CD unit to supply power. I'm guessing that this type of ignition system does not need to be grounded out, but rather when the key is turned off, there will be no power going to the BLUE WIRE, removing power to the CD units and shutting the motor off. Is this correct?


  • Wiring diagram Force  23 magnapower 2.png
    Wiring diagram Force 23 magnapower 2.png
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