Re: Chrysler 35hp problems
Try taking off the lower unit and checking the lower shift rod. 4 bolts hold it and the shift rod must be disconnected (see below). Sometimes silt and sand pack in the front of the leg (because there is no drain there) and jam up the shift rod. Sometimes the seal swells and does the same. Because of the number of bends and length of the shift mechanisn, there is compliance in the system and any drag will show up as difficulty going into forward gear. Typically, reverse has no problems. If you remove the shift cable (the one with the smaller SS quick connect end) and try to move the lever by hand, it should move smoothly and relatively easily--you should not need to force it.
Now, this assumes that the linkage is properly adjusted. When you remove the mid leg shroud (six screws) you will see a hex coupler and jam nut This coupler is threaded in opposite directions on each end. Turning the coupler one direction lengthens the linkage and the opposite shortens it. Be sure it is relatively centered on the two shift rod threads. Adjust it so the linkage and dog clutch is centered when in neutral. The way to do this is to lengthen it while spinning the prop, until it is in forward gear while in neutral, then shorten it till it comes out of gear and you don't hear clicking as you spin the prop. When you do this, be sure the cable and upper shift lever are in neutral position. This will actually bias it slightly toward forward and ensure positive engagement. Remember, there is some compliance in the cable also.