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Ahh nope, the Q-Jet came with a divorced choke for marine use, they can be converted to an electric choke if you want to use a Q-Jet on a Vortec manifold that does not have an exhaust crossover. For auto applications, they used the divorced choke, the exhaust heated air choke, and later on the electric choke. We had the well or divorced choke on our '72 Chev Impala 350 with the 2 bbl Rochester, we had the exhaust heated air choke on the '75 Olds Delta 88 with the 4bbl Rochester Q-Jet, and my old '88 4.3 has the divorced choke with the Q-Jet. In the pic, the choke spring is inside the tin cover right above the breather hose in the valve cover. The exhaust crossover inside the Pre-Vortec intake manifold heats the area right under the spring to open the choke. It is actually more accurate than an electric choke in some ways because it is responding to actual engine temp, not a timer/electric heater. But if your engine runs too cool they will not open all the way which is not good because the engine will be running too rich all the time.