Re: Rough and ready '74 Starcraft Chieftan 18' rebuild
Re: Rough and ready '74 Starcraft Chieftan 18' rebuild
A couple of notes: the engine runs better than it ever has for me for some reason. Starts immediately, idles at 600, in gear idle speed is between 2.3 and 2.7 MPH. Cruised beautifully on plane at 4000 RPM and 23 MPH...but, get this: it was a glass calm day with no wind, and I hit 33 MPH at 5400 RPM at WOT. The Johnny truly ran like a champ today.
A minor issue: this boat is light, and maybe a tiny bit top-heavy as a result of putting the batteries and a big fuel tank above the deck. With just me in the boat today, it lists very noticeably to starboard, so I kind of have to stand in the middle, though it's less noticeable on plane. I think I just need to put all my gear on the port side in the cabin. It was just surprising with a full 18 gallon tank on the port side that it was still so susceptible to my weight (180 lbs).
Anyway, aside from that minor stuff, the splash could not have possibly been more perfect. I'm really psyched. No chop today, but she took some big wakes really well, and was extremely, no spray whatsoever. I think she's a keeper.
EDIT: Anybody know how to fix a transducer rooster tail?
Another edit: I pulled the plug after running for maybe two hours...not a drop of water. I was more excited about that than I should have been. I knew it should be watertight, after all the gluvit-ing and re-riviting and 5200-ing of the transom, but it's such a great feeling to know that it all worked.