Re: Charging problem-revisited
OK, update time. Schematic, I have an old auto ammeter that is not senitive enough to do the job. So, I'll use the 10A function on the VOM, right? Well it shows 1 (out of range). So I try it with the battery charger set on 2A. Same thing, out of range. By now I am getting pretty hacked at this whole situation. So I get my hands on another VOM (minus the 10A function).<br /><br />Presto, now things are looking up. Now I can check for voltage drop as you suggested. ~.1V Went back through the entire test sequence: stator; Y/G-Y .5 ohm, Y/G-Y/B .3 ohm, Y/B-Y .3 ohm. No shorts to ground. Rectifier check using diode function: good with all values very close to the same (forward current, voltage drop whatever--noted Schematic, it is not ohms <G> ).<br /><br />Hook up battery only, NO acc. not even tach. Fire it up, no voltage rise, just as before. Voltage drop from rec. to bat. ~.1V. I realize it is not a correct reading, but for comparison, measured AC output at stator leads: Y/G-Y= 8.8, Y/G-Y/B =5, Y/B-Y =5.<br /><br />I tried this in the very beginning and got screwy (erratic)#s and should have known something was wrong--my bad on that part. I went back to the other meter, using the SAME leads (to eliminate that as a source) I had just used, readings all over the place again. Now, putting either lead in roughly the cowling area, just in space, don't have to be touching anything, numbers all over the place. Regardless of where the other lead is--seems to be getting progressively worse. Remember my RF interference comment? The meter is less than a month old so Sears is getting the piece of crap back.<br /><br />Which leads me right back where I started, to the stator. A dealer showed me one that he says is correct, but the part #OMC 582926 will not cross reference to any thing I can find. All the after market manuals list one for this engine but it sure don't look like what the dealer showed me?<br /><br />Sorry to be so long winded but the moral I guess is make sure you are not trouble shooting one piece of @$#% with another one. Hope this might help somebody.<br /><br />Any more sage advice before I pull the flywheel? Thanks.