Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

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Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

I think texting is an addiction. Literally. It's like putting a drunk in a bar, when given the opportunity they will drink. Texting seems the same to me. People just can't wait to respond. It's all about instant gratification with the current generation. Libraries are replaced with googling everything. Buying an album is replaced with downloading mp3's.

Anyone here use netflix??

Yes, I had read that.
The research indicated the level of texting:

1. was directly related to the individuals level of intelligence and their socio-economic position, plus;

2. the mobile-phone was a symbol of power to people with little real power in their life, and;

3. the mobile phone was one of the very few NEW HIGH TECH items people in this group would ever own.

4. They also said the Mobile phone was one of the greatest marketing success'es 'ever' as it took a fixed amount of money from a low-income person on a recurring basis, yet that person believed it was for 'their security (remember the original ads?).

5. The smarter you are, the more financially successful/secure you are, the less you will use the Mobile Phone.

When I read that article years back, it sort made sense.
Maybe your addiction is doing well and succeeding

Sep 5, 2007
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

At my wifes school they take them away to be picked up by the parents. If the student gets caught again they INVALIDATE the students parking permit so he or she cant drive the new car their Daddy gave them to school. Also the teachers have learned that many kids carry an extra phone(old one) and give it to the teacher after they switch phones,,Now they check and take ALL of them. I think the film clip is fake because of the camera angle but still funny.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.


Think about colombine.. how would you feel if your kid was in that situation and did not have a phone available to them..

.........................I would have gone up to her purse grabbed her phone and smashed it right back at her...

Are you sheet'n me?? Using an event like the Columbine Massacre to validate the need for cell phones in school classes??:confused::confused:
And the old "eye for an eye" response............................. really??


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Yes, I had read that.
The research indicated the level of texting:

1. was directly related to the individuals level of intelligence and their socio-economic position, plus;

2. the mobile-phone was a symbol of power to people with little real power in their life, and;

3. the mobile phone was one of the very few NEW HIGH TECH items people in this group would ever own.

4. They also said the Mobile phone was one of the greatest marketing success'es 'ever' as it took a fixed amount of money from a low-income person on a recurring basis, yet that person believed it was for 'their security (remember the original ads?).

5. The smarter you are, the more financially successful/secure you are, the less you will use the Mobile Phone.

When I read that article years back, it sort made sense.
Maybe your addiction is doing well and succeeding


Total bunk and pure rubbish.
The group of investors and entrepreneurs I surround myself are some of most intelligent, financially successful and secure people I have ever known. Guess what, we all have smart phones and use them all day long. Mine IS my office, and I am on the road a lot. I run two of my businesses almost 100% with it, checking emails, going to one of my websites and calling potential tenants( a tenant placement business) and another business I have a google voice number that has the VM forwarded to my phone, and time is of the essence.
We text info back and forth all day long.
I will say that myself, and my colleagues do NOT text while driving, and when we are in lunch meeting together every one of us has our phones on silence, we still believe in being courteous to others.

By the way, if you do text, this program will change the way you do it forever, just don't tell the kiddies :D


Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

most intelligent, financially successful and secure people I have ever known. Guess what, we all have smart phones and use them all day long.

successful and smart...
that's why school kids need to pay attention - so they can fit that description too someday


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

successful and smart...
that's why school kids need to pay attention - so they can fit that description too someday
Agreed, although school doesn't teach some of the most important lessons in life.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Before we come down too heavy on the kids....here is one for all the mom's (parents) out there:
A local high school teacher in our area installed a 'jammer' so cell phone use (at least) in the class room was shut down....and it was mostly...ahh, the Moms that complained. :eek:
The kids clearly didn't like it but as soon as they told there parents...the moms pushed the school board to have the jammer removed.
Don't be too hard on the kids...its the parents facilitating this behavior.
My two bits.;):)


Sep 30, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

What a mixed up society. We spend so much time pointing fingers that people can pretty much do whatever they want and it's someone else's fault. Just like the line in my sig.

It's the kids, no it's the parents, no it's about socio economic class. Maybe it's the school's, or perhapse I am just out of touch.

Any one here surf the web at work?? Are we any better than the kids texting in class? Just another comment to further confuse the issue.

Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

A local high school teacher in our area installed a 'jammer' so cell phone use (at least) in the class room was shut down....
That is illegal in Canada... he should have checked with the CRTC first - he could have been in serious trouble

Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Any one here surf the web at work?? Are we any better than the kids texting in class? Just another comment to further confuse the issue.

but that's not the point...unless your surfing is slowing down the server for legit. business....then I have an issue

If some kid sits in the back row of a lecture theatre and quietly texts his girlfriend...I don't care.

But if he is watching youtube videos in front of another student that paid $7000 tuition to hear and see what I'm doing and teaching, I have a problem and I have to defend the other students that do not wish to be distracted.

My lectures cost about the same as a movie ticket... so the same rules apply

When it's a public high school and the community is investing in these students, the stakes are even higher. The school needs to be accountable to the taxpayers.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Are you sheet'n me?? Using an event like the Columbine Massacre to validate the need for cell phones in school classes??:confused::confused:
And the old "eye for an eye" response............................. really??

I am not using it as an EXCUSE to use your phone in the wrong situation.

I am saying things like that happen. also other situations happen. say there is a fire at the school. or an earthquake, hurricane etc.. don't you want to have a way to contact your children? yeah a payphone for 500 students? or wait for the office to contact you?

What I said was, there is a reason to have a cellphone with you at school. there is NOT a reason. to interrupt a class with it.

I INSIST my kids take theirs to school with them. BUT they must also follow the rules, and leave them off (or silent) during class. there are way to many creeps out there. what if they are walking home and get abducted? or they just don't show up when they are supposed to? you can call them and say "Hey whats up" or worse cell phones have GPS for the most part. I would really like to be able to at least TRY and trace my children if something happened. do you think the Cops are going to do anything more than file a report saying they are gone?

Read my WHOLE post. the kid was totally wrong to answer it. the proper thing to do would have been to quietly turn it off or put it on silent.

If something happened to your kids (if you have any) while at schools would you want them to call you? or would you rather wait for the police to call you and say. "There's been a shooting at the school, and we don't know whats up with your kids.. you may want to come look for them."

you OBVIOUSLY don't have kids. or do and don't really give a darn about them. Between my wife and I we have 7. I promise you I can get hold of them and tell you where they are and what they are doing 99% of the time.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Total bunk and pure rubbish.
The group of investors and entrepreneurs I surround myself are some of most intelligent, financially successful and secure people I have ever known. Guess what, we all have smart phones and use them all day long. Mine IS my office, and I am on the road a lot. I run two of my businesses almost 100% with it, checking emails, going to one of my websites and calling potential tenants( a tenant placement business) and another business I have a google voice number that has the VM forwarded to my phone, and time is of the essence.
We text info back and forth all day long.
I will say that myself, and my colleagues do NOT text while driving, and when we are in lunch meeting together every one of us has our phones on silence, we still believe in being courteous to others.

By the way, if you do text, this program will change the way you do it forever, just don't tell the kiddies :D


Skargo, respectfully, what % of the volume of text traffic would you, your associates, your industry, business in general, make up.... .005% ?

What you say is exactly true, but was the mobile phone/text ever invented for people like you and me.

Woman 2 doors down is an exec with our biggest telco..runs a Dept.
This is where I get my info.
Told me her Dept makes huge profits, but is dwarfed by what comes in from the domestic mobiles....and they break them down to small 'zones', and cross-match with socio-economic data...create patterns for retail outlets and marketing plans.
Told me they can identify what a specific area can generate in income over a specific time line.
She said once, we take Tower #@#, servicing a *!@oo%, pull out a graph with a time line, and she said, the results just stagger us.
And get this; the least profitable customer is the business person directly paying for his own expenses. Is that you? as it is me.



Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

I text 20 times more than I use my phone.. why? because my hearing ain't what it used to be, and I NEVER miss a word with a text..

also You can text me and I'll text back when it's ok for me to do so. a phone call means a few min waiting for answering service then the same for me getting back to you wtc etc etc.

A text message is WAY more convenient . especially in the OP's post. text comes through (on silent or vibe) I can look at it without disrupting the class, if it's important I can excuse myself. if it's not I can reply to it when it won't interrupt )in this case) the class..

Of course texting while driving.. really bad. My stepdaughter got caught and paid a $500 fine. I hope she learned her lesson. Texting is worse than drinking and driving. Thats the time to use your blutooth or wait till you are parked to answer it..
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Saying a child has to have cell phone ready to use in his pocket 24/7 for his safety is BS. I do think high school kids should have access to a phone in case of an emergency. Maybe allow them to have them on them at school as long as they register their phone number at the office and the school be able to have random "spot checks" to check the in use times . Then if they see the PHONE HAS BEEN TURNED ON DURING SCHOOL HOURS they can take the phone and not ever allow him to have one at school again. Unregistered phones will result in expulsion. This is a good plan and of course during a real emergency the kiddies can turn the phone on to call parents only...That would work and satisfy all.


Sep 30, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

For 5$ a month you can turn on parental controls with Verizon. Lets you control time of day that the phone works, sets limits on texting, and they can still call your phone if it's on the same plan. We do this.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Saying a child has to have cell phone ready to use in his pocket 24/7 for his safety is BS. I do think high school kids should have access to a phone in case of an emergency. Maybe allow them to have them on them at school as long as they register their phone number at the office and the school be able to have random "spot checks" to check the in use times . Then if they see the PHONE HAS BEEN TURNED ON DURING SCHOOL HOURS they can take the phone and not ever allow him to have one at school again. Unregistered phones will result in expulsion. This is a good plan and of course during a real emergency the kiddies can turn the phone on to call parents only...That would work and satisfy all.

WOW, I am glad you are not my parent. WHAT AN A...

My kids ALL have cell phones. (yes we have 7 kids between us) they all take their phones to school every day. and their has NEVER been aproblem with them using their cells when they are not supposed to.

Be a good parent teach you kids what is right and what is wrong and there will NEVER be a problem.

I did not say the ONLY reason for them to have a phone is for their safety, i said that is ANOTHER reason to have one.

I'm sorry you have to take things away from you kids to make them follow the rules, and they can't do it on their own. To me that sounds like nothing but bad parenting.

Take some time work with your kids and they will learn respect. and they will follow your rules. If they don't then maybe the problem is you.


Sep 14, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Easy guys, it's JUST a discussion and we all have differing opinions.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

My apologies.

I hate the way people blame everything but themselves for something.

then try to make rules or laws to fix it.

teach your kids right and they will do the right thing rules or no.

Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

Be a good parent teach you kids what is right and what is wrong and there will NEVER be a problem.

Being a great parent won't prevent your kids from being distracted by ringing cell phones in class....unless you're going to raise the whole class...and that's what teachers are getting tired of.

cut the umbilical cord.... your kids need to learn independence.
a few hours a day where calling mommy isn't an option is healthy.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2010
Re: Cell phones in class. Might be worth a teachers' poll.

THey rarely call us.. LOL just to ask permission to go to friends houses etc.
or maybe to TELL us they are going to the library or one of the local hang outs.

Their phones are privileges (to me they are a big BILL LOL) they know if they abuse that, they wont have them. so they do really well.

I wish all kids could understand that. then the teachers wouldn't care if they had them.

It;s the same with Ipods. most of our kids have one. they CANNOT use them AT school. but they take them for the walk home etc. I have had a couple of them confiscated at school ONCE. after that the learned not do do it. and there is no longer a problem.

anyways I don't mean to be a jerk. but teach your kids right and the problem will be gone. To many people these day think its not their responsibility. they think "Hew there is no sign that says I can't do this" so even though they know its wrong they do it. if people were taught respect. they would not even need the dang sign. But respect is something that is going away... and way fast. and as you cant tell thats one of my peeves...
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