Re: carb not getting gas???
I just want to do another post in hopes of getting some feedback. My son and I reinstalled the magneto onto the motor. Please read my previous post to get the complete story. So we double checked the point setting, we made sure the timing makes were where they were supposed to be, we sprayed gas into each cyclindar and into the carb, then we tried to start it. Nothing, not a burb or a pop. So I took off out oneof thespark plugs and grounded it to the engine, then I slowly turned the engine to find TDC on that cyclindar, I put a soft wooden dowel into the cyclindar to mark TDC. Then I had my son try to start the engine, every time the piston hit TDC, I got spark from the spark plug. I would say that the timing is set to a point where I should be getting something. THEN I took same plug wire and put a screwdriver into the cap, I had my son turn the engine over while I held the screwdriver next to ground. The spark was very weak and I could only get spark at 1/16" away from ground. <br />Any input to all would help me when I go and get t he coil checked out. Do you think it's the coil?????<br />thanks again.<br />Mike and son Zach