Carb Jets


Nov 6, 2001
I've got an '86 Evinrude 140 with carb problems. It stalls while accelerating, but if you get to higher RPMs it runs great. I understand that this motor has no carb adjustment available as the jets are "fixed". My mechanical ability is extremely limited, so my question is, how easy is it to replace these fixed jets? Is it done without taking the carbs off? Are there a variety of "fixed jets" to be purchased or is there a "standard" set of jets? Any special tools required to replace the jets? Any idea roughly what the jets should cost? <br /><br />Just found this website/bullentin board yesterday and I'm already hooked. Appreciate any assistance.<br /><br />Cheers.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Carb Jets

If original equippment, the jets should be left alone. The problem is probably clogged filters or clogged jets. Change or clean the filter , and remove the carb for cleaning.<br />If you are worried about your abilty to clean the carb, you can take it to ay mechanic (auto, lawmower or boat) and he will do it for a fair cost,if he is honest.<br />Good luck.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Carb Jets

Its not that unusual to have to rejet mid 80's motors for acceleration problems. Keep in mind those carbs were jetted for the fuel we had then and its not the same now. Make sure you are running the motor with the airbox on and with the updated thermostats in. Have the carbs cleaned to start with and make sure you run FRESH 87 octane fuel with Champion plugs only. Use the QL77JC4 or L77JC4 plugs. <br /><br />The V4 loopers are awesome motors. Good luck!