Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 26, 2007
Many hazards on the road and my favorite is people who have to be in front of me at any cost. The trooper called this kids move the Jersey sweep. I was traveling I-80 westbound in PA when this kid decided that he would come down the onramp and blow through the open lane to my right(I had moved to the far left lane to allow a safe merge)to get ahead of the two cars coming down the ramp in front of him as well as me I guess. The problem was he was never in front of me and his drivers door hit my right front wheel!!! No injuries just damage to my truck and a car that had to be towed. Kid got a few tickets....






Aug 26, 2006
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

That's a shame . . . you're driving along minding your on business and wham.

I hate people who treat on ramps as their own personal entrance way to the highway never bothering to look to their left or give a SH*T!

By the looks of that kid he looks like he borrowed mom's car so he could go buy some more drugs!

At least your 2008 has not been around long enough for the paint to fade, so the repair should be invisible!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

i like the lug marks on his door, bet he smelled from what he did in his pants.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

bet he smelled from what he did in his pants.


He's got That Look in the picture, that It's Still running down his Leg......:D

Atleast you've gotten your 1st Scratch,.....
Life will be Easier now with that nice New truck............;)

I still remember the Expression on the face of another Kid, doing the Same sorta thing,.....
Back in 78, I was trucking thru Columbus Ohio, just before Christmas,....
Some Kid in a Camero came down the cloverleaf,+ rather than backing off, or tapping his brake,....
He Gassed it,.......
Right where the snow had been melting,+ running across the road all day,....
Unfortunately,... It was well into the Evening,+ the water had returned to Ice.....
Soo,... Here I am tooling along at 60+mph, starring into the windshield of a camero, 10' in front of me, doing 360s,+ the look of Sheer Terror looking back at me......
Some How,.... We Missed each other,+ I Never saw the camero again......


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

i like the lug marks on his door, bet he smelled from what he did in his pants.


He's got That Look in the picture, that It's Still running down his Leg......:D

that story was funny bond-o.....i can picture his eyes.

shaggy.....that kids lucky he didnt bite it right bit of that car under your tire......and.......


May 17, 2001
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

Yep, the kid has that stance,,,,or should I say "Stinch" :D

I visited down home where I was raised. Knew the roads real well,,,,,,,back then. This kid Everett needed a ride home from the Eagles one night. I was driving my Bradley GT back then and he thought it was cool that he was going to get to ride in my car.

At the end of this long straight stretch is a "set" of "S" curves. .....Well, I forgot about them,,,,,,until he reminded me of them. BTW, at the end of the straight is a deep ditch of about 100'. Wouldn't be good to go there.....I came close. I was in the weeds and gravel, downshifted and got back up out there n shout across to the other side of the road where the deep ditch is on the other side. Was in the weeds again and by this time I'm back down to a more controllable speed. That is when I thought my voltage regulator was overcharging my battery. The smell was horrible. After I dropped him off at his house,,,,,,,yeah,,,,he had that stance and looked like that kid. The smell went away when he did to! :D
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

The kids stupid driving is going to cost him some money. Hes lucky it didnt cost him his life. I bet he was text messageing or talking on the cell phone. Playing tag withan 18 wheeler is a game few win.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

That looked like David vs. Goliath. I think Goliath won this one.

The lug marks in the door are priceless....

Hey what I want to know is how much impact did you feel when he hit you. Did you know he hit you or just saw him bounce off of you?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

BTDT There is no accounting for the ignorance of youth.

Not wanting to get into a similar experience, do you know what the difference between a Fairy Tale and a Trucker's Tale is?

A Fairy Tale begins, "Once upon a time........"

A Trucker's Tale begins, Now, you ain't gonna believe this %&*#..........."


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 26, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

That looked like David vs. Goliath. I think Goliath won this one.

The lug marks in the door are priceless....

Hey what I want to know is how much impact did you feel when he hit you. Did you know he hit you or just saw him bounce off of you?

I noticed what was going on but couldn't do much to stop it. Heard the lugs grind and a slight thud. Didn't feel much if any impact. That tire had just under 6000 pounds on it at the time. Total weight of truck/trailer combo was 74,600 pounds. He was lucky he didn't end up getting run over.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 26, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

Yep, the kid has that stance,,,,or should I say "Stinch" :D

I visited down home where I was raised. Knew the roads real well,,,,,,,back then. This kid Everett needed a ride home from the Eagles one night. I was driving my Bradley GT back then and he thought it was cool that he was going to get to ride in my car.

At the end of this long straight stretch is a "set" of "S" curves. .....Well, I forgot about them,,,,,,until he reminded me of them. BTW, at the end of the straight is a deep ditch of about 100'. Wouldn't be good to go there.....I came close. I was in the weeds and gravel, downshifted and got back up out there n shout across to the other side of the road where the deep ditch is on the other side. Was in the weeds again and by this time I'm back down to a more controllable speed. That is when I thought my voltage regulator was overcharging my battery. The smell was horrible. After I dropped him off at his house,,,,,,,yeah,,,,he had that stance and looked like that kid. The smell went away when he did to! :D

Had a Shelby CSX and was messing around in a new housing development. Fresh pavment, little hill and some nice sweeping curves was fun to go zipping through. Flew over the hill one night to find several pallets of sod blocking most of the road right in the corner!!! :eek: Ended up in the ditch somehow missing the sod, a parked car, a power pole, and a cable box. :D Course I drove through the only part of the ditch that had fresh sod down and most of it was stuck to the bottom of my car. Filled a wheelborrow up cleaning up the car the next day. :( At least nobody made a mess in the car.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

I bet it scared the you know what outta him. He'll never pull that move again.

I saw someone do something similar here a couple years ago, only he hit it with the rear quarter panel which turned his car around to be sideways in front of the truck. It's a miracle the truck didn't go right over the top of him, or cause him to roll, but it definitely totaled his car. I don't think there was an in-tact piece of sheet metal on it. No injuries though.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

Nothing like havin to wipe the BUG juice off a new truck

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

That little bit of damage to your Pete will cost more than his car is worth..
What an idiot! He even looks like a dummy in the photo.
25+ years driving 18 wheelers and i have seen it all!
dum bass 4 wheelers!!;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2004
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

That little bit of damage to your Pete will cost more than his car is worth..
What an idiot! He even looks like a dummy in the photo.
25+ years driving 18 wheelers and i have seen it all!
dum bass 4 wheelers!!;)

yea,and I have been driving up and down the interstate most of my life,and I have plenty of stories about dum *** road jockeys.. There are dumb ***'s that get behind the wheel everyday,regardless of what they are driving.


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

A few years ago, I was returning from south of Austin. In downtown Austin, the highway is split level. In the oncoming lane, I big Lincoln had tried to cut in front of a semi. He was sideways on the front bumper, four flat tires and going 50 or so mph as the truck tried to slow. I will never forget the bugeyed look that guy had. I'll be the upholstery had pucker marks on it when they finally stopped.


Apr 8, 2003
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

that guy just doesn't look right... like something outta "Shawn of the Dead"... please, someone get him some sunlight and a vegetable!

Seriously, did the trooper do a sobriety test or anything on him?? Doubt he was texting... more like fumbling to light his pipe.


Mar 29, 2008
Re: Car hits my 2008 Peterbilt 386.

I am just an ole four wheeler but have many hours on the radio listening and talking and the stories never end. I for one don't want to get an an argument with a guy bigger than me, let alone a truch weighing 75,000 Lbs.

The one saying I love.... Old truckers never die, they just get a new peter built. :D

I used to do CB upgrades for custom amps I made for the radios. I used to love taking the 3 watts up to several hundred. I used to have a 500 watt in my car that when I keyed down, the digital gauges would go crazy from the RF radiation. I am amazed that I was able to have 4 kids after all that erradication I gave myself. ;)