cannot get fuel to prime to engine. 1994 ranger 361v


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Assuming everything that usually works as designed works as designed, one problem may be a "snot rag" full of gelled water. Location could be right at the hose to engine connector, assuming you have a connector at the engine, on the hose side.

Remove the hose at the engine.......just the hose part such that you have a straight interior with the rest of the hose. Squeeze the bulb (a dozen times if needed) and see what comes out. If nothing, get a new hose with bulb or at least a new bulb. With the bulb installed on the tank side of the hose, repeat the test. If that works, install the bulb to engine section to the bulb and squeeze again.

I had a built in tank and was worrying about accumulated water. So I poured in a water absorbing bottle of snake oil. The snake oil worked and accumulated the water making this fairly large "snot" blob. While the engine was running, the blob made its way to the engine connection and that's where it blocked the fuel. Disconnected the connector, squeezed the bulb till it had flushed out all the goo, reinstalled everything and away I went.

On bulbs, I totally dislike the new EPA mandated bulbs. Have been nothing but trouble for me. Never had a problem with the old diamond shaped bulbs on my Mercury's.

This may be a waste of your time but its an offering and seems you haven't had any yet.....until you tell folks what engine, type, year model and anything else to aid in helping you to solve your problem.