Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?


May 16, 2011
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

Yep, any lay person can see that they were just trimming tress at random and it had nothing to do with the SAFE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY.:lol:

not sure what the deal is in other places, but here, there is a "tailgate" meeting before a hazardous job starts. it covers the obvious hazards, and the things that that arent so obvious, everyone involved has input, all gear gets inspected, if anyone is not comfortable with the situation, they have the right to refuse the work. it takes time! its all about making sure that everyone on the jobsite gets to go home to their family at the end of the day.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

This is the worst time of the year to do any utility work around here, just a slimy mess and guaranteed to rip up any grass you drive on, or worse get stuck up to your axles in mud!


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

there is likely an easement unless you don't have electric service. they can do whatever they need to in that easement. get a copy of your deed or a survey plat that shows the easement, that will tell where they can be. if you call and complain they might repair damages. in most cases I have seen where they dig up someones lawn they plant new grass and patch pavement dug up to get to underground lines

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

i somewhat understand where yer coming from, but, how would you react if the trees werent trimmed, and you were without power for a few days????

It happens a lot in our neighborhood given it's highly wooded and I'm at the end of the line. I bought a $600 generator and live with it.

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

Some of the comments sound like people have not read all of my posts. So just to reiterate I do not have a problem with them walking through my property to do this, or even the mess it's causing, the problem arose when they parked a 30,000 lbs truck on my driveway with out asking (or even telling for that matter) AND backed it over my landscaping.

My wife just sent me this picture, on the right you can see the tires track where they had been, they are not there now because I parked my 4 wheeler in the way.

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Lieutenant Commander
Oct 6, 2011
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

Some of the comments sound like people have not read all of my posts. So just to reiterate I do not have a problem with them walking through my property to do this, or even the mess it's causing, the problem arose when they parked a 30,000 lbs truck on my driveway with out asking (or even telling for that matter) AND backed it over my landscaping.

My wife just sent me this picture, on the right you can see the tires track where they had been, they are not there now because I parked my 4 wheeler in the way.

View attachment 225544

if its in their easement, they can do whatever they want to it, its in their way, its not supposed to be


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

if its in their easement, they can do whatever they want to it, its in their way, its not supposed to be

Not exactly, there are rules.
Remember this is a pole line, not a road. If this was a pipeline they would have to bring the property back to the condition they found it in before they started work.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 12, 2011
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

Some of the comments sound like people have not read all of my posts. So just to reiterate I do not have a problem with them walking through my property to do this, or even the mess it's causing, the problem arose when they parked a 30,000 lbs truck on my driveway with out asking (or even telling for that matter) AND backed it over my landscaping.

My wife just sent me this picture, on the right you can see the tires track where they had been, they are not there now because I parked my 4 wheeler in the way.

View attachment 225544

It seems you are making it as difficult for the line clearance crew to do their job as possible. Let's hope on one gets hurt due to lack of equipment access to trim away from 15KV lines. It's routine for landscape damage to happen and it's just as routine for the power company to repair any damage. It looks like you are putting lives in danger over a little piddly landscape damage that can and would be easily repaired.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

One morning ... have some extra coffee, cups and a few various creamers ready when they show up. Find the foreman, and while you're offering him some coffee ask nicely if they can pay a little closer attention to how they're working on your property.

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

It seems you are making it as difficult for the line clearance crew to do their job as possible. Let's hope on one gets hurt due to lack of equipment access to trim away from 15KV lines. It's routine for landscape damage to happen and it's just as routine for the power company to repair any damage. It looks like you are putting lives in danger over a little piddly landscape damage that can and would be easily repaired.

Say what?? How did you make the leap from me parking my 4wheeler in my driveway that I'm putting lives at risk? :rolleyes:

Also, it's not just landscaping, it's my driveway that is not meant to hold the weight of a commercial truck. You say it's routine for them to fix it, well that remains to be seen, as of today they're gone when I get home, no note, no letter just garbage and tire tracks.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

went through this with the cell company out here a couple years ago. their tower is not on my property but they thought it would be great if they could park all their trucks in my yard and then go work on the tower. this was in early fall, you know when the ground is wet and soft. yep tracks and ruts all over my yard.
called the company and they were very little help...............until I told them the next truck in my yard would be impounded and towed.

as far as trimmers, they have lawys let me know ahead of time they were coming. they park on the road, even though I would have no problem with them parking in my drive, they always clean up and are gone in one day

as far as slow elec work, I used to work for an elec company. you wouldn't believe the safety meetings and briefings they go through. It may look like sitting around BSing but may not be. we had to have a safety briefing if more than 2 of us went to lunch together on bikes. it sounds absurd until you find the folder in the company website with memorials to those who didn't make it home from work one day. there are many, it is very dangerous work. speed is not a priority.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

It's not like the work isn't tough enough but I bet dealing with pain in the *** people is even worse.

Many times this tree work is subbed out to 3rd party companies who hire hacks to come in and disrespect, destroy and interfere with land owners personal property. Any decent utility company would let you know well in advance, but maybe that responsibility went to the subbed out hacks too. Blocking drive ways, littering, destroying private property is not part of the job, it's a choice they (workers) make when pulling up to the job site. And anyone knocking on my door at 7:30 will not get much results here either.
I had a 200 year old Black walnut tree hacked up really nice one year, and they paid dearly for destroying this very nice tree. They just showed they have 0 training, the job had to be re-done after I complained about the horrible work they tried to pass off as professional. Maybe that's what you're dealing with on your end, hired out hacks, most utility companies train their workers to respect private property.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

What the OP isn't telling you is that Minnetonka and the surrounding areas in general are high wealth concentration areas of the Twin Cities. I happen to know folks in Minnetonka who have had the same type of issue. The solution for them was simple. They simply called the company which was on the trucks and the company bent over backward to fix it. In the case of the situation we know about, the tree care company earned a lot of their revenue in Minnetonka and the surrounding area and did not want to anger their potential customers for other tree care and tree trimming services. Now if for example it is the very large international company that tends to get some of these may not have such an easy time solving the problem.

Lil' Bone

Mar 14, 2014
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

If they damaged your drive way they'll proabably fix it. Take pictures and go down to the local yard & explain to them what happened.

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

...They simply called the company which was on the trucks and the company bent over backward to fix it. ...

Unfortunately the truck that parked on my driveway and drove over the landscaping was the power company's truck. There have been mostly local tree trucks

I called and opened a claim with them on Friday stating that everything is covered in snow and I don't know the extend of the damage. They are going to "have someone call me". After a few minutes of going through their automated system entering my phone number a live person came on and asked me for my phone number, then my social security number. Uh you drove over my bushes, why do you need my soc?

We'll see where this takes me but I would really rather not be dealing with this.


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

One morning ... have some extra coffee, cups and a few various creamers ready when they show up. Find the foreman, and while you're offering him some coffee ask nicely if they can pay a little closer attention to how they're working on your property.

^^^^^^^^X2^^^^^^^ Some people like to use their authority to push others especially if they think they are getting under your skin. The intelligent thing is to do as southkogs suggested....most battles can be eliminated with the right words and the right body language!

Brian 26

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2013
Re: Can power line tree trimmers come on your property?

I appreciate the responses but as I stated in an earlier post they are not there yet when I leave for work at 6:30am and they are long gone when I get home and I don't want to take time off work to deal with it, example: I might stay home waiting for them only to find out it's a day they're not working in my area.