Hi Mark. Last Sunday, we put our boat in Simcoe at the public ramp directly across the road from Tudhope Park and went through the narrows. I was surprised at how quiet it was that day. We cruised through cooch up to Lock 42 for a picnic lunch, then back down into Simcoe to 8 Mile Pt. Everything ran great after a 2 year lay-up, even with a half tank of old gas. That is, until we tried to pull out again. My I/O trim stopped working as we prepped for the ramp. Fortunately, the trailer is a flatbed style with enough clearance to haul the loaded rig up the ramp with the outdrive still down. That worked OK until my Explorer crested the top of the ramp, causing the tail end of the trailer to dip whereupon I dragged all 3 blades of the prop on the concrete. The rebuilt prop only had about 4 hours use on it, but it'll clean up OK.
Once up on the roadway, we removed the hydraulic trim cylinders and then manually suspended the outdrive on a couple of ratchet tie-downs for the trip home to Midhurst. This week I found the problem was the reverse lock-out switch for the trim pump. I think it was only an accumulation of debris holding the little micro-switch activated. I "fixed" it today with a few seconds of probing with a pocket screwdriver. Another one of those fix-it tips I'll file away in my crowded memory and probably never need again. - Grandad