Buying my 1st Boat?


Mar 7, 2011
Ok, not exactly my 1st, but my 1st boat I can't pick up and put in the bed of a truck.

That said, I am in need of some guidance. I live on a small lake a couple of miles long and want something to fish and cruise on. If it was up to me I'd just get an aluminum fishing boat,...but Mrs is wants something that doesn't look like that.

We're not looking for new. The Bayliners advertised on CL caught my eye, but it seems the ones in the price range / year I'd be looking for are prone to problems?

I know everyone has a personal preference but if you were looking to buy a boat for say 3 - 4 k what would be the boat you'd be shopping for and why? I been thinking that an outboard would be the way to go for less potential problems. Yes?

So I'm new and I'm sure this question has been asked before but I need some solid advice. Thanks in advance everyone.
Dec 12, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

you could look in to some new bass tracker or cresliner look for a boat like that. From what you said it seems you might want a aluminum boat like that. they have some big motors on them.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

I think an aluminum fish & ski might be right up your alley. Sort of like a bowrider but with more freeboard and room for fishing.


Oct 11, 2009
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Please read the tread: What and Why, alot of good info on boats and motors. Yes the mid 80's Bayliners got a bad rap, but mainly because owners didnt take care of them, and the price was right. I have had 3 Bayliners, 1984 1950 Capri/ 125 volvo IO, 1986 2150 Capri/ new 350, cobra IO, and 1989 1950/Force 125 OB. There the Chevy of boats in my opion. I dont own one now, but would buy another if it checked out good.

Pez Vela

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 4, 2004
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Because your lake has its own special characteristics and recreational opportunities, I'd chat with neighbors who boat on your lake to see what style of boat they think would be your best bet. Once that's settled, you're shopping for a boat that is in the best shape for the money. You can't afford to be too picky on manufacturer or other details.

mr 88

Nov 3, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Lets start with priority one, making the first mate happy. IF she ain't happy no one is gonna be happy. She does not want a aluminum boat, so why does anyone even bring that up? It is a small lake and you want to fish.So what I would do is buy a 19-21' bowrider,the lake is not big enough to get really rough.This style affords you the room to fish off the stern while she listens to the radio/ipod and sunbathes up front or vice versa. The fiberglass being heavier will lessen the rocking that you may encounter in tin boat.This gives you maxium room and her girlfriends may come along to keep her company which you can keep a eye on. I would look for a I/O as that may also have a sunbathing area on the stern.I/O is also a lower center of gravity vs a outboard=less rocking =happy wife. It is not as loud as a outboard and less smelly for the little women, again keep her happy or it WILL end badly.Names that pop to mind are Sea Ray/Wellcraft/FourWinds/Chapperral/Colbalt etc. They will probably give you the least amount of problems in the long run. with a Mercruiser setup.Scour Craigs in your area and any close by city that you are willing to drive to,something will show up.Good luck!!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Most any fiberglass boat in that price range is going to be "prone to problems." The biggest concern is going to be rot in the wooden components of the hull. Deck, stringers, and transom. These issues are repairable but it's a major undertaking and the materials aren't exactly cheap. For a small lake with that budget, I'd be looking for an aluminum hull with an outboard for least chance of financial disaster. Not all tinnies are little fishing boat. Like mine for eaxmple: Boat/DSCF2727-1.jpg Boat/DSCF2728-2.jpg


May 4, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Lets start with priority one, making the first mate happy...

You mean admiral?

Also how about a small bass boat i.e. I bet when your wife is thinking of an alumimumn boat, she is thinking of a John Boat i.e.

I don't blaim her for not wanting a little style. Some bass boats use alumimum, but don't look like a john boat. Show her pictures and get an idea of what she would not want to be seen dead in.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 19, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

If not a full on bass boat, how bout a bass boat styled Fish and Ski? Nitro, Triton, Skeeter, and Procraft make examples. You get fiberglass, outboard, room to lounge, room to fish, and a protective windshield/bimini. This was my compromise with my wife in a very similar situation.


Mar 7, 2011
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

Ok, new idea. How about a 1990 20 ft Harris pontoon with 2006 20 hp 2006 Honda 4 stroke. $4700, from a reputable dealer. No trailer but I can dock all summer on our lake for $100. Should I grab it? We really wanted a pontoon but didn't want to spend a fortune on one.


mr 88

Nov 3, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

I would post in the pontoon section and see what kind of feedback you get from the toon pros. I would think you would use the boat a bit more if it was docked and at 100 you cannot go wrong vs the fuel used for towing and the associtated ramp headaches.What is the dealer going to charge you for in out and winter storage? Get that up front or start looking for a trailer or somone with a lakefront cottage that will pull it up on shore for the off season,cheaply.You are not going to ski off that setup but I would say that you would have a abundance of room, fishing in the stern area. She then has the whole front to lounge around on with many girlfriends to help keep your eyesight in tune,mirror sunglass's are a must in this situtation.


Jun 19, 2010
Re: Buying my 1st Boat?

I bought my boat for 4K but it's not exactly the best boat for fishing. It does go really fast and women love to be seen in it. This being said it's a Checkmate which is hand laid fiberglass manufactured in Ohio. I got the boat, motor, trailer, and other watersports goodies and it included shipping from the Ohio area. These were pretty high end boats back in the day, and many people collect and restore them.

They have a forum online and you could probably find one in good shape being sold on the forum. That being said they do many outing and you would have people who have seen the boat who can advise you of the condition. You can also search past posts to see if the owner had any particular problems.

Here is a video to my 1979 Checkmate Exciter