My Johnson keeps burning spark plugs and I can't figure out why, but would like to tackle the job but I don't no where to start. Want to fix problem so I can get out on the water.
Howdy, Steponme. I'm not familiar with the term "burning" in respect to spark plugs. Can you be more specific? What model and year Johnson are we talking about? What plug have you been using? Any other symptoms?<br /><br />Red sky.<br />JB
My motor is 55 Johnson and our spark plugs only last for between 1/2 hour to 3 hours then we have to replace them and I can't remember which kind of outboard oil we use.
Hi,<br />Sounds like you have weak spark. Check to see if the coils are cracked anywhere.<br />Also are you running L77J4C plugs gapped at .040 ? You may need to gap them at .030 or .035. If the coils are cracked you will need to replace them. Sometimes on your motor<br />the power pack gets weak also,it doesn't put out enough voltage to the coils. Let us know about the coils. <br /><br />...have fun...corm