Re: Breakin News
Delay is the highest government official to ever be indicted for anything and I doubt very much this indictment was just thrown at him for no good reason at the very least because of that. And don't forget that the Ethics committee has called Delay out 3 times in the last I see a pattern emerging? Looks like he finally got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but as JB said, the courts will decide. Oh, and if they let him off, is it fair for me to call the judge an activist? Seems some people here think that any time a decision doesn't go the way they want it to.<br /><br />And before anyone calls this a witch hunt, remember that it was a grand jury that indicted Delay, not the big bad democrats. A democrat may have led the investigation, but a grand jury indicts on evidence. That is why Delay AND 2 of his aides have been indicted.<br /><br />So now thats Delay on conspiracy, Frist on Insider trading, and Rove on the plame leak. Yeah, the future looks awful bright for the republicans.