Re: Boycot or Not to Boycot
I am proud to be an American, too<br />But we have had our share of human rights violations, here and overseas.<br /><br />There are clearly specific reasons why some countries don't like us. Now I'm not specifically suggesting that they are correct, or that we should even change anything, but as a soverign nation, they have a right to their opinion, as long as they don't pose a specific threat, we need to live with it and do wht we can within reason to change their mind.<br /><br />Your theory of diplomacy reminds me of growing up with an older brother. He was 5 years older, 6 inches taller, and 70 lbs heavier than me. He got to set all the rules.<br /><br />I managed to figure out ways to even the score, at any and all costs, and survive.