Boiling GAS!


Vice Admiral
Jul 27, 2005
Re: Boiling GAS!

Is these part of a routine de-winterization visit?

not physically checking the impeller but any reputable shop that summerizes an engine they winterized will at least run the engine on muffs to verify the pump supplys adequate water

That engine assembly has a High Water Temperature Alarm that should have been Screaming to warn of the problem long before any damage occurred.

not all 3.0 mercs are equipped with a temprature warning switch

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Boiling GAS!

Unfortunately at times like these the warning horn was still optional on the newer 3.0's. It's a 50/50 if the boat manufacturer installs them or not from new. The dealer normally will not install one unless asked to by customer. In 04 it was less common to have it then it is today though. Boat manufacturer plays a big part if the 3.0's will have one or not. I read where new 2011 sea rays have them installed. I'm not sure if it became standard from 08 up but i'm thinking it did somewhere along the line from reading some of the newest mercruiser literature online.


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Boiling GAS!

Unfortunately at times like these the warning horn was still optional on the newer 3.0's. It's a 50/50 if the boat manufacturer installs them or not from new. The dealer normally will not install one unless asked to by customer. In 04 it was less common to have it then it is today though. Boat manufacturer plays a big part if the 3.0's will have one or not. I read where new 2011 sea rays have them installed. I'm not sure if it became standard from 08 up but i'm thinking it did somewhere along the line from reading some of the newest mercruiser literature on-line.

That is just crazy!
It is a $2 part that will prevent $5000 in damages.
Everyone should WANT to have one.

Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Boiling GAS!

Some have been known to disconnect them , only to find out the alarm condition was for low drive oil .After the drive self-destructed.


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Boiling GAS!

UncleWilly said:
That is just crazy!
It is a $2 part that will prevent $5000 in damages.
Everyone should WANT to have one.

For what its worth. The 3.0 is considered an entry level engine. Designed to get people into the boating world as inexpensively as possible. And one of the things cut in order to drive that price down (and pad that profit margin) is the alarm system. Optional on 3.0's (Mercruisers). Standard on 4.3 and up.


Jun 4, 2013
Re: Boiling GAS!

I wish it had a alarm!?anyways I took off the lower leg of the drive and opened up the impeller cover. To be honest the impeller looks like new, however the plastic nipple on top of the impeller cover is melted and distorted. The impeller case show no signs of damage very smooth inside. I will replace the impeller and nipple with new anyways. I guess I should now move to the stat and see if a issue is seen there. Thx for help.



Jun 4, 2013
Re: Boiling GAS!

So i changed the impeller and thermostat, put gear lube in. just about ready to turn key but have a question?how can i tell if when installing the lower leg of the drive the throttle did not pop out. The boat was in forward and so was the lower drive but is there a way of checking without turning the key?


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Boiling GAS!

?how can I tell if when installing the lower leg of the drive the throttle did not pop out. The boat was in forward and so was the lower drive but is there a way of checking without turning the key?

In neutral, the prop will free wheel both directions by hand.

In forward and looking into the prop from astern... It will Not turn to the Left/Counterclockwise.
It will turn to the Right/Clockwise and the Clutch Teeth will be heard and felt jumping as you do it. Click,Click,Click.

In Reverse, the same thing will also happen, only to the opposite directions.