Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

People tend to be guilty until proven innocent in this country. And communities make judgments based on what the media reports. I feel bad for everyone involved.

The driver of the searay is going to have an even tougher battle because he killed a cop.

I don't know why they waited so long to call 911. At least someone else heard the accident and called 911, so they can rule out that the delay in calling caused the woman to die. It would be a shame if she would've survived had 911 been called sooner.

I was surprised that the seary wasn't damaged more. In just trying to reconstruct the accident, I wonder if the two guys in the back of the searay fell out of the boat went the back unded lurched upwards to go over that boat.... and the fact that they thought they'd hit a wave would probably support the fact that they were going really fast.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

People tend to be guilty until proven innocent in this country. And communities make judgments based on what the media reports. I feel bad for everyone involved.

The driver of the searay is going to have an even tougher battle because he killed a cop.

I don't know why they waited so long to call 911. At least someone else heard the accident and called 911, so they can rule out that the delay in calling caused the woman to die. It would be a shame if she would've survived had 911 been called sooner.

I was surprised that the seary wasn't damaged more. In just trying to reconstruct the accident, I wonder if the two guys in the back of the searay fell out of the boat went the back unded lurched upwards to go over that boat.... and the fact that they thought they'd hit a wave would probably support the fact that they were going really fast.

The thing is the Sea Ray crew went directly back to their camp after they retrieved their ejected buddies out of the water. However, they didn't call 911 right away. The accident happened about 2:30 AM and they made their call at 3:53 AM. And, they didn't call to report it, they called to ask if someone had reported it. Very suspicious. They were working on thier stories/alibis. They got caught by 911 tracing the call to their camp; who knows if they would have ever reported it. Thankfully, someone did hear it and call 911 but for the woman it was too late. The guy who saw the victim after climbing out of the water onto this boat said he didn't see the woman that was under the passenger seat. So maybe they thought what could we do because he's dead and the only one on board. Bull. I've cut water behind many of Mastercraft and there isn't much interior to them. You would easily be able to see someone beneath with the stern light on as it was. I'm eager to hear how this whole mess pans out.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 30, 2007
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

i acctually have a friend thats mom died on a boat, i've never heard her talk about it, but she died not far from my house since i live pretty close to the river, she was 4 at the time, but apparently they were on the river and ran into another boat and it went right over the top of thier boat and decapitated her mom,
This happened on like a sunday in the morning,
thats why i won't boat on a sunday unless i went to church, its my little superstituion cause if they had been in church it wouldn't have happened,

and this was on the river, so its understandable how something like that could happen because the river isn't that wide and makes some sharp bends but on a lake man that sucks


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

i acctually have a friend thats mom died on a boat, i've never heard her talk about it, but she died not far from my house since i live pretty close to the river, she was 4 at the time, but apparently they were on the river and ran into another boat and it went right over the top of thier boat and decapitated her mom,
This happened on like a sunday in the morning,
thats why i won't boat on a sunday unless i went to church, its my little superstituion cause if they had been in church it wouldn't have happened,

and this was on the river, so its understandable how something like that could happen because the river isn't that wide and makes some sharp bends but on a lake man that sucks

Where this happened is one of the more narrow parts of the lake - -3-4 tenths of mile. The lake itself is only 3 quarters of a mile at its widest point. There is room for error but not a lot. Still can't figure why this guy didn't drop it in forward and get out of way when he heard, and had to have seen, that boat so close. We'll never know since neither made it.


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

4Winns -- have there been any updates on this? Did any blood alcohol levels ever come back for the people who died? Has the drunk kid been to court yet?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

4Winns -- have there been any updates on this? Did any blood alcohol levels ever come back for the people who died? Has the drunk kid been to court yet?


I Googled the story moments ago for what I may have missed on the TV or in the paper lately and nothing new. I imagine the lawyers will draw this out for a couple of months. As far as alcohol and the driver? As you may recall he split from the scene and hid for 12 hours so as I've heard the prosecution will rely on the testimony of the bartenders who served him and the patrons who saw him stumbling around.

On a related update is the same situation happened a couple of weeks ago on Onieda lake just north of us. Sea Ray full of kids who had been drinking all day ran over an 85 year old man fishing in his Bayliner around 3:30 in the afternoon. They left the scene also and left the man for dead. Wierd thing is that these kids had been stopped twice by the Sheriffs earlier in the afternoon; cop said he smelled mary jane on board (duh, if ya did then it must be in the boat- -hate to be him when he explains that one to his superior). One of the local story links is below is you care to read the details.


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

I can't believe that you guys had another one like that.. I guess when you boat in narrow channels, the potential to hit another boat gets a lot higher, and you really need to keep your eyes out.

Weird how the victims in both crashes were stopped in the channel... not a good place to be parked obviously..


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 6, 2007
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

My guess is that they didn't hear the oncoming boat because they were fooling around, drunk, listening to music.

Up and down the Missouri, people seem to anchor wherever the heck they want, or cast a line parked right in the middle of the damn channel. When you have a 4' draft and a 10' wide channel, it's just dangerous.

I imagine this is no different than getting drunk and hanging out toward the edge of the road. Should people be able to see you? yes. Is it dumb? yes. Is it someone else's fault for hitting you?

Well, I suppose that's for the court to decide. Personally, I think an LEO DUI and poor decision making make this one a 50/50.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

I can't believe that you guys had another one like that.. I guess when you boat in narrow channels, the potential to hit another boat gets a lot higher, and you really need to keep your eyes out.

Weird how the victims in both crashes were stopped in the channel... not a good place to be parked obviously..


I just hope this accident doesn't come in three's. You'd think with all the publicity that the first accident got that people would be on their best behavior and be much more careful.

In the light of day, this 21 year old kid had a boat full of other drunken kids and was on plane with his girlfriend in his lap on the driver's seat. He wasn't watching the road because he was swapping spit with his girlfriend. The poor guy was trying to wave him off as he approached. Again, they didn't check on him or call 911 and left him to die. Unconscieneable (sp)!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

My guess is that they didn't hear the oncoming boat because they were fooling around, drunk, listening to music.

Up and down the Missouri, people seem to anchor wherever the heck they want, or cast a line parked right in the middle of the damn channel. When you have a 4' draft and a 10' wide channel, it's just dangerous.

I imagine this is no different than getting drunk and hanging out toward the edge of the road. Should people be able to see you? yes. Is it dumb? yes. Is it someone else's fault for hitting you?

Well, I suppose that's for the court to decide. Personally, I think an LEO DUI and poor decision making make this one a 50/50.


Well, your assumptions in your first paragraph are correct. Drunken kids paying no attention to nothing but the party.

As mentioned earlier, it's "funny" that the sheriffs stopped these kids twice earlier in the afternoon and smelled mary jane on board yet let them go. Also, this kid's lawyer stated that it was environmental factors that caused the acccident i.e. the sun was in his eyes. Well, duh, can't see then slow it down and get your girlfriend off your lap while you're driving- -you can grope her later if you want. Stupid, just plain kid stupid.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 6, 2007
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

Actually, I meant the former couple.

I'm just saying, I think both parties were dumb. I don't envy the judge in this one, that's for sure.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 2, 2006
Re: Boats crash in Cent NY and kill two- -scary!

Actually, I meant the former couple.

I'm just saying, I think both parties were dumb. I don't envy the judge in this one, that's for sure.

I agree with you in that "... both parties were dumb." I've said it all along this thread. This poor guy and his girlfriend that were killed didn't use their best judgement. He grew up on the lake and he knows what happens (remember, he was a cop too) after the bars closes in the villiage. You've got to be watching out for the drunks at that hour and he, obviously, didn't do a good enough job- -just tragic is all it becomes in the end.