Boating Noobie with some purchase questions


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
So let me start off with I know NOTHING about boats, except I have always wanted one. I'm a systems engineer and a motor head from my teenage days, so I'm not completely technically blind, but I just dont have a boating background and would like some help/suggestions/information.

There is a 1995 SunRunner Cyclone for sale not that looks interesting. Here are the 'details' they have provided
-7.4 L Mercruiser Bravo 3 drive
-Twin stainless prop
-shore power
-ac/dc refrigerator
-garmen gps chartplotter/depth sounder
-sunbrella bikini and covers
-includes galvanized trailer

Asking price is $12k Looking at the boat (and not knowing exactly what to look for), the bottom needs to be repainted (anti-fouling paint?) The twin props (on the same shaft) easily spin (counter to eachother) so the transmission seems to be working (or at least is not locked up) They claim it runs well and has spent it's life on a lift except for the last 2 years where it was at the 'inner harbor' I'm guessing this boat is for saltwater/freshwater, but i'm not sure if you need to do different things to make it capible for either... I'm also not sure what it would cost to get it into a harbor of some sort (I would leave it in the water during the spring-fall and then pull it for the winter, or so is my plan... I can either keep it locally or put it on a lift for the winter) Any information/help/suggestions would be appreciated


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Since you know nothing about boats, I would hire a marine mechanic to look it over for you.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

I've already called my local boat sales and service place and they will look it over for me. Not a bad price either, basically the 'spring launch check' or some such.

That said they have never heard of a cyclone sunrunner nor sunrunner cyclone. The only thing I can find about the name is what looks like the same boat for sale in MI (as what I have here). I can't seem to find the manufacturer information at all.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

First and foremost is an on-water test. Refusal to do that is a very big red flag. Taking someones word that it runs well is like saying the "check is in the mail". I trust you are aware the 7.4 liter is a big block motor and not exactly an economy champ -- although in a boat none of the engines really are. Some are just worse than others. HP burns fuel.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

First and foremost is an on-water test. Refusal to do that is a very big red flag. Taking someones word that it runs well is like saying the "check is in the mail". I trust you are aware the 7.4 liter is a big block motor and not exactly an economy champ -- although in a boat none of the engines really are. Some are just worse than others. HP burns fuel.

Yeah 7.4 seems very very large, even for a 20-30 ft craft. But then boats aren't cheap to start with are they?

I'm guessing with a craft like that you can do just about anything with it (watersports, and fishing, though fishing seems a bit overkill for such an engine). Is there any difference between a freshwater and ocean boat (at this size that is)? I'm guessing since the only information I can find on the boat is from another person selling theirs, and the cruising speed is 35knots with a top speed of 60 knots... that it isn't really for lakes (well minus the great lakes)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 16, 2006
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Wow, that's A LOT of boat for a first-time boater....or anyone for that matter. 60 knots!!!!! Dangerous if you don't know your stuff!!!!! Also a big boat for handling.

The price seems very low though, based on very little info and me just guessing. Any idea why? Condition of boat? Engine?

When buying a boat, you need to spend some time defining your needs/wants before getting specific on one boat, IMO. I'd say you're going at this from the wrong end, unless you already determined you wanted a large "go-fast" boat. Not exactly a family cruise boat! I doubt it's really good for skiing/tubing unless you want to be able to kill the rider(s)! (hey, I've had some folks on the tube I might have been tempted to spill at 60 knots!!!! Yeah, they'd probably get torn into pieces, but what a video for you Tube!!!)


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Well I am likely going about this backward, but I saw the boat for sale and wanted to take a look at it. I do want a 'go fast' boat. I'm not a fisherman, nor a pontoon type guy. Then again I dont want to be killing anyone either :D

My guess about why the price is where it is. I live JUST outside the 'well to do areas' of the greater Philadelphia market. I'm guessing there are only a handfull of us that would even consider a $10k+ boat. Gas prices are getting crazy (7.4L engine no matter what speed, isn't sipping squat), as well as a 'not well known name' boat (I can't seem to find any information myself). The bottom of the boat looks like it has recently been 'scraped' and the paint will NEED to be replaced, so there is an automatic expense right there. I'm told it runs well, but a checkup/checkout should confirm that.

The interrior looks great, but it IS a 12 year old boat. I wouldn't even entertain the prospect without it being checked out.

Am I hearing that this boat would NOT be suitable for towing? I'm assuming with a cruising speed of 35 knots, that it isn't TOO crazy to ski behind (heck I thought about 20 knots was minimum to pull a skier).

I'm also not interested in racing the darn thing, so it wont likely EVER get to 60 knots... I want a boat to go play with, have fun, bring friends along, etc...

Maybe I just dont know what to do with boat period :D But I have always wanted my own. When I was growing up my family had an old beat up flatbottom boat, top speed of ~15knots (when we weren't fixing it on the lake :D).

I was thinking of adding a big swim platform off the back, and basically cruise the boat.

Origionally I wanted a cabin cruiser that could tow if we desired, but they seem to run in the $20k + range (for the ones I was looking at anyway) and I figure even if this is a LOT of boat, it is cheaper entry than buying less boat with a cabin


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Ok while I'm still looking for information on this boat and topic, I want to introduce a new topic (yeah I should make a new thread... and prob somewhere else too, but since the boat may change, I would like to keep these tied together).

Would the Deleware Bay be a sufficently 'large' area to use a boat like this? Or do I really need to be down in the inner harbor and/or ocean?


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Am I hearing that this boat would NOT be suitable for towing? I'm assuming with a cruising speed of 35 knots, that it isn't TOO crazy to ski behind (heck I thought about 20 knots was minimum to pull a skier).

35 knots = 40 mph

Woulnd't get me to ski at that speed! (maybe in 'the day' when I was invincible!)

Some crazies might tube that fast, but imho 25 mph is a good thrill on a tube.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

35 knots = 40 mph

Woulnd't get me to ski at that speed! (maybe in 'the day' when I was invincible!)

Some crazies might tube that fast, but imho 25 mph is a good thrill on a tube.

LOL so if I want to tow someone, I need to go VERY slow (for this boat that is)


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

LOL so if I want to tow someone, I need to go VERY slow (for this boat that is)


Maybe that's just me!

You might want to read my thread on my recent experience SELLING a boat too. Make sure you know what your going to get, and then make sure you know how to operate it within it's limits.

12K is alot of money. I looked at the one for sale in MI and it's going for 28K, right? If something goes wrong you could easily drop another 10K to fix that monster.

Nice looking boat! Looks very comfortable (and fast!)

Good luck!


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

The one I'm looking at looks just like that, except it is open bow, not a cabin... and the owner has agreed to let me have it inspected and take it for a water trial, he seems to be on the up and up. He claims to own 5 other boats, and that this one is just too fast for his wife (now... 10 years ago it was ok). He also says after having the hull painted (as opposed to 'buffed') the top speed is prob more like 55 knots now (again I'll NEVER be going that fast in it :D)

Thanks for the link, I'll be giving that a good read in a bit :D

Shouldn't the mechanics be able to tell me what I can expect to spend to bring it up to par (if it ISN'T already there)?


Apr 18, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

We just bought a boat and it was a funny experience because every dealer we went to, they asked the same thing, "What kind of boating do you want to do?" and it took us a while to figure out the answer to that.

So one new boater to another, figure out what you want to do with the boat first. We finally figured out we wanted to stay overnight on it and that changed things a lot.

I can't imagine going 60 knots. I would like to try that sometime. Anybody near Tampa with a boat that fast?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Ok, I have been giving some thought to what I want to do with a boat...

Can you guys help me figure out how far off I am from what I am looking at, or what I SHOULD be looking at?

I want a boat I can play with during the day. Have some of our friends (couples, possibly couples with kids) come with us. Perhaps take it from one town to another, or just play with it on the water. I want it to be fast (at least fast enough to pull a skier, but I dont ski nor does my wife, so that is really secondary). I don't need to sleep on it, and won't be taking it for LONG distances (perhaps from Philadelphia area down to the NJ shore via Delaware River/Bay to the ocean). I want it to be big enough to be ocean going.

Ok now in the FUTURE (and not right now) I would really like a boat that is big enough to take on the ocean. Sleep family (myself and 2 young sons) and maybe another couple (doesn't need to be private rooms, but needs to have enough room to sleep). This boat wouldn't be for 'fun' (as in power sports) as much as one to take places (I'm picturing a 'road trip' except in a car... so basically a 'boat RV' is my thought... but I dont want a pontoon nor 'house boat' more of a cabin criuser). I would like it to have enough range that I could take it from Philly to say the outerbanks OR maybe from the East coast out to the islands. As a HUGE bonus it would be nice if we could put a small 'runabout' on it (like a large personal watercraft or a small 'jetboat' kind of thing)... but that might make it TOO large and out of my range.

What would you guys suggest for the two different 'types' of boats. And an idea on 'size' as well as cost would be nice (if you have it... something like roughly $1k per foot, and you want about 30 ft... or the like)


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

You need to give some thought on what you will use to tow whatever you buy. Spend some time researching tow requirements and capabilities. You could spend $12K on a neat boat and find out that you have nothing to tow it with safely.

Consider also your own capabilities. Alot of guys who have no towing experience will find that towing a big rig is not their bag.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Thanks for the advice and that is very very true. I have a 2006 Chevy Tahoe, and talking to the folks in the Towing section it seems as long as I'm doing local towing it should be fine.

With a 27' boat though, I dont imagine I'll be moving it around alot, I'll either keep it in the water for the season and then just tow it to and from for the winter. Or there is a marina down by the shore that offers summer and winter 'rack' stoarge (outdoor only right now, the indoor stuff is full). They put the boat in and out of the water using a special forklift, and otherwise it is on a 'rack'. If I decide to do that I will tow it down there, and it will 'live' there.

Does that sound like a reasonable approach?


Mar 16, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

The only additional suggestion I woud make is to not use your "local sales place" or one of their mechanics. I would hire a real marine surveyor to look it over. He won't fix anything, but he will tell you everything you could ever want to know about the condition of the boat and propulsion system. Cheap insurance when you are buying an "as-is" boat.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Hum, so you dont think the service group at my local boat place will be able to handle it?

I haven't been able to find a 'real' marine surveyor anywhere near me, is there someplace I can look to find one (besides the yellowpages as they havent been helpful)


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

Just google marine surveyor there are many

I gotta say a 27' big block bravo boat' at 12k with a trailer there has to some costly issues that will need to be fixed



Jun 11, 2006
Re: Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

NO WAY the boat does 60 knots!!! The B3 according to Merc is only rated at 65 MPH (54-55 knots). I doubt in an unknown mfg's hull that you would achieve anything approaching 65 MPH, Baja maybe. Sounds like this guy is selling you the Brooklyn Bridge! Run away now!