Hello, I am refurbishing a 2005 Basstracker Panfish. I am looking for assistance in replacing the seat on the livewell. I am having trouble finding a reputable website that sells those seats. Any help would be appreciated.
Marine shops often sell nice new white coolers that come with white cushions. You might check those out. They will be pricey, but the items may be avail (amazon, fleabay, Temu) elsewhere cheaper.
Not too hard to do it yourself. A yard of vinyl isn’t too expensive and worst case you end up getting a new cooler. I learned years ago how to do upholstery. I’ve been using a 1950’s Singer and it hasn’t skipped a beat.
I'd give it a shot yourself if you are handy and if not a local marine canvas shop would help you out pretty cheap. Around my area you'd be paying $125-175 CAD for that to be replaced with cheap material and probably $250 CAD with good stuff. I did a quick search on a local dealer and materials would be roughly $70 CAD assuming cheap foam and good vynil. That is estimating 1 yard for the material and 12 by 24 for a foam block
I have found that if you have old car collector groups in your area, many of those guys do upholstery for there cars. They often do side jobs for extra cash and they do nuce work cheaper than a boat canvass shop.