Boat Registration


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
View attachment 206108I have recently aqquired a 1957 Penn Yan Swift that had no paper work. The guy who gave it to me told me that his dad had found it in a dumpster in 1970's and rescued it and had started to repair it,long story short he had lost interest and recently became sick and passed away and the son had to clean out his barn and gaves us this swift and a penn yan cartopper. The boat has no HIN number as I bielieve that HIN numbers were not issued in 1957 and without paper work have no clue on how to get it registered? Any thoughts would be extremly helpful. I know everbody loves pictures only one i had of it as my phone decided it was going to go for a swim when i went out on the boat last time more to come though if you guys want me to post them.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Boat Registration

HIN's weren't standardized until 1972. You need to go to your state's registering/titling entity and ask them. Every state has different rules, but get your ducks in a row in that regard before you spend a dime on that boat.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Sorry double posted two of the same threads thats my fualt bad internet conection sorry:confused:


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

it would probably help if i told you what state i am in, i am in new york state


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Boat Registration

Okay, I live in the 'land of NO', too. The regs are online and they appear to make it nearly impossible to do what you want to do. It's the reason I've never bought a boat or trailer without paperwork. Read the regs for yourself, then talk to somebody at the DMV.

Maybe somebody else with firsthand knowledge will chime in. I'd love to see you save that boat. It's very cool.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: Boat Registration

There most probably is a way to do it, though it is also probably either expensive or time consuming or both.

If the condition warrants, it may be worth the effort.

Long ago I bought a 1959 SwitzerCaft day cruiser that needed some difficult wood work done to it. I was working at that time for a marina that did wood boat restos. The wood shop guy said it wasn't worth the cost so I scrapped it. Only to later find that there were only 14 of them ever built and right now there are only 2 known to still exsist.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

ok it looks like a wood boat.i went through this same scenario a couple of years ago with my boat here in Ontario.i went to the local federal govt building and told the lady that I had the boat for several years and had rebuilt it from the keel boat is now reg as homemade so that took care of the issues with ownership of a boat that might be 60 years old or who knows how maybe in Canada our system is not as complicated as yours .all boats are reg through the feds up maybe they are also being liberal on reg boats to get people on board as they did a study years ago and found that at least 65 percent of all boats in Canada were not reg to the current owners so I believe the system has been changed to make it easier to reg a boat .


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Thanks for all advice looks like right now my best bet is to go to the dmv and start asking questions. I hope i can get the reg for it, it really is a cool boat and when they go across the water they look awesome, and from my understanding not alot of these boats survived.


Sep 27, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Go to the DMV and get Form 59A and 59B. They are only over the counter forms. bring them to the previous owner and get him to sign the paperwork that the title was lost long ago.. If there is no transom tag you can tell them that and they should be ok with it. No way to check records but they will still run stolen records thru Albany.. I have never done it without a HIN but I did it with my Custom Craft and a 1967 Ford Falcon that I had long ago. Both times was smooth and painless, and the Custom Craft I did a few weeks ago.

If that fails for some reason. You can also do a hommade/ retitle thru NYS Parks.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Go to the DMV and get Form 59A and 59B. They are only over the counter forms. bring them to the previous owner and get him to sign the paperwork that the title was lost long ago.. If there is no transom tag you can tell them that and they should be ok with it. No way to check records but they will still run stolen records thru Albany.. I have never done it without a HIN but I did it with my Custom Craft and a 1967 Ford Falcon that I had long ago. Both times was smooth and painless, and the Custom Craft I did a few weeks ago. If that fails for some reason. You can also do a hommade/ retitle thru NYS Parks.
Thanks im not sure with the 59a + 59b forms if you are talking about applying for lost registration or a different proccess, the owner i got it from he didn't ever have paper work from it and niether did his dad, if that makes a difference with the process you are talking about. Also has anyone gone through the process of registering a boat as homemade?


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Long ago I bought a 1959 SwitzerCaft day cruiser that needed some difficult wood work done to it. I was working at that time for a marina that did wood boat restos. The wood shop guy said it wasn't worth the cost so I scrapped it. Only to later find that there were only 14 of them ever built and right now there are only 2 known to still exsist.

that's too bad, I am also redoing a 1954 chris craft kit boat that they also have become somewhat rare as alot of them have fallen apart over the years and people have just not seen the point in restoreing them.


Sep 27, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

Thanks im not sure with the 59a + 59b forms if you are talking about applying for lost registration or a different proccess, the owner i got it from he didn't ever have paper work from it and niether did his dad, if that makes a difference with the process you are talking about. Also has anyone gone through the process of registering a boat as homemade?

The 59A+ 59B forms are the forms the DMV uses to make a new registration but you have to go to the DMV to get them and ask a clerk. They state basically where and when the previous owner got the Motor vehicle and why they lost the registration. In your case, if they had it since the 1970's, you can just have them sign the paper stating lost registration and they got it in the 1970's. Records only go back 10 years or so, and if the boat was found discarded all those years ago. you are safe going that way. The process is actually very easy if you go to a DMV that knows what they are doing.

Only go with the NYS Parks way if for some reason the DMV's way fails. Also, the boat has to be a certain length to use the DMV way. 13' IIRC.
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Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

The boat is only 12 feet so does that mean that the 59a + 59b forms won't work for that boat


Sep 27, 2012
Re: Boat Registration

You could still try. I might have the lengths wrong for the cutoff, but they may direct you to NYS Parks, in which case, this is the form you need.

You could also measure the boat from the transom, down the keel up the stem to the bow to get a longer measurement. That's not how boats are measured today, but many old boats were measured like that. That's if the cutoff restricts you from the 59A+59B forms.