Boat Ramp Rage....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
OK - So here is the background - I visit a nearby lake fairly regularly, and have noticed several other folks that do the same. There is one guy (about 55yrs old) who CONSTANTLY is impatient at the ramp. He constantly is rolling down his window, yelling out, honking his horn, etc.

Now lets face it - there are some people who just can't perfect backing up a trailer - regardless if it is their 200th time doing it. This is the mental approach I take every time I get in line to launch/retrieve my boat. Seriously, what is the point of getting all pi$$ed off on a day you are supposed to be enjoying??? I am just glad I get in, get out without any boat issues, injuries, etc.....the rest is details.

So anyway - Saturday our family has a great day of boating, and I run to get the truck at around 5:30pm - When I pull up to the boat dock, I already understand that I am gonna be in a line 5-10 deep by how many boats are sitting there. No big deal....gotta go get in line.

Sure enough I get in line - things are going like clockwork - the ramp is long and steep and allows for 2 trailers - an individual working for the city is there to regulate things and will have the 3rd trailer backed down the ramp half way so when a driver pulls out of the water, they can drive around the 3rd trailer, and the 3rd guy can back down once he clears.

Next thing you know....I hear a guy 2 vehicles behind me....honking, and yelling out the window......Who is it? Yep, you guessed it - the Pr!ck who is always whining.....I sat there and listened to it for about 4 loads....the individual in front of me just backed halfway down the ramp, so as soon as the next rig comes over the top of the ramp, I am clear to back down half way - What do I hear - the bozo yelling at me to get in position. I turn my head and look at him.....shake my head and look back towards the front.....The next thing you know, I see this guy stomping up to my truck.....

Well, he looks to be about 5-10 and weighs a whopping 170 soaking wet....All the while, I am 6-4 and about 220......I waited until he got to my rear bumper and I ripped my door open and jumped out of the truck so fast his face went from billy bad A** to OHHHHH SHIIIIIII*****......I yelled----"Get your butt back in your truck and don't say another word!!!" It took him about a half step to stop his momentum and that was it. I said "I am sick and tired of you whining all the time.....the next time I hear you whining, it won't be this nice....I am gonna rip you outta your truck and teach you a lesson!!" He nearly sprinted back to his truck. He didn't say another word.

I looked at the city employee and her mouth was dropped wide open....and then she started busting out laughing....She said that guy has been coming there for years, and treats everyone like crap....thinks he owns the lake.....a few people around were laughing, clapping - pointing at him, etc....

I pulled down the ramp, picked up my wife/kids....and we pulled out...gave him a nice little wave, and was gone.

Bottom Line - I can't stand people who try and ruin my day.....if you aren't happy....keep it to yourself!! :D


May 20, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Nicely done;)

I too hate loud mouths like that.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 10, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Good for you! I can just picture the guy with his tail between his legs getting back in his truck. Wish I could have seen it.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

That was good. my wife was reading it over my shoulder and got a chuckle out of it as well.

As one of those people who only trailers occasionally, backing the rig down the ramp is an anxiety-producing task. I try real hard to do it when I know ramp traffic will be real light. I'm not terrible at it, mostly just a little slow. I might need to pull forward once or twice to straighten out and head back down again. Once I am in position, I have the launch/retrieve thing worked out pretty well. That goes real quick.

Bottom line, I'm not lollygagging. I'm going as fast as I can, so cut me some slack, okay?? :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

My wife backs down the ramp better than I do. I just walk around pretending to direct traffic. I just unhook the boat and push it off the trailer.

She's a better driver than me too.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 6, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Oh, I have the backing part down to a science... it's the launch and un-launch part that I'm still perfecting. Hopefully.

There are lots of people better at it than I am, and probably a few worse than I am, but I try to take it all with a grain of salt. Just like commuting, it's a necessary evil and part of the experience, so I may as well relax.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 10, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

I have to say I have had my boat now for just about a year, and I launch fairly often since I live less than 20 minutes from the ramp. I have gotten so good at it I actually impress myself.

Last year this time I was a nervous wreck every time I went to the ramp, but just kept doing it and doing my best. I now very rarely have to go forward once I start backing up and I can move the boat on and off the trailer without incident, and I never give it any power once I hit the trailer coming in. Once the boat hits the trailer I have it going just fast enough that where it stops is an easy pull with the winch.

So much of what I learned though came from this board and for that I say thank you once again. For those still having trouble just keep practicing and eventually it will come to you.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 8, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

We had a big turn out at our favorite ramp this weekend too. Some shmuck put his boat in and pulled up about 20 yards (the parking lot is a good 50 yards away) and left his truck and trailer right there in everyone's way. It was already there when we arrived and there was an officer there giving him a ticket. After I unloaded the boat and had parked the truck I was walking back to the dock I made a comment to the officer about what a nice parking job that was. He said with a smurk - This is going to be the most expensive valet parking he has ever had. I guess that means the tow truck was on its way. The kicker is there was still about 15 spots left to park.

Our family has pretty much mastered the whole launch and load thing. This is our 3rd season doing this as a team and it gets smoother and smoother each time. I have driven big rigs so backing is my specialty and everyone else knows what their job is. Like anything it comes with experience.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 11, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

There are always going to be people who are faster than you and people who are slower. Everyone has to learn and I think we should all do as the OP stated and just go down to the river or the lake with the intentions of having a good day. Hey, if you are going to be spending the day on the water, or you just spent the day on the water with you family what could possibly be better? What's the hurry?
I just don't know what makes some people get so angry for no good reason. I am new to boating, but I've been driving a trailer for years so backing was not a concern, but launching was. I did my research on here and on youtube and the first time I had to launch, I did great. (After I figured out that I had to loosen the safety chain.) I had the boat in the water and the truck back in the parking lot in about 5 minutes. I was impressed and nobody was rushing me which made the experience much more enjoyable. That's what it's all about. I hope the more people read these stories the less we will have to deal with the arrogance and rage at the ramps.


Aug 3, 2003
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

I tend to take a little milder approach. I'm a bit of a pacifist, I calmly sit in my truck and take my time. The more the guy screams the slower I get. I keep my cool and don't act a fool in front of my wife and kids. If the guy gets too agressive I get out to discuss the matter. It usually ends there I too am a big guy 255 lbs. There was this one guy who made some remark to me about being an old man. That's when my son came over, he's a lot bigger than I am.

Actually I do get agrivated at slow people on the ramp. I have never once said anything to anybody but it can get aggrivating. The problem is people wait till they are on the ramp to prepair. I put the plug in, unhook the straps & the winch, pump the primer ball and tilt the motor in the parking lot. If I plan on tieing up I have the bow line ready. Usually I don't even do that though. My son gets in the boat and I back the trailer down untill the boat floats off, then I pull forward and get off the ramp. I often do it without stopping. My son starts the boat and backs away from the dock. Once I park the trailer he picks me up and we pull out of the way to do any necessary prep work. Launching a boat ain't rocket science.

RAT Attack

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 25, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Great thread, & great stories by all!
I am real happy you put that SMUCK in his place though!:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 17, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

He's obviously acted like a baby so long it's become habit for him. He needed something drastic to break the habit- sounds like this may have worked! Like a dog that jumps up on you- a quick knee to the chest- might sound mean, but they stop jumping up.

You probably did everyone a huge favor. Bravo!


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 20, 2008
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

After hearing this and MANY other stories on a near wqeekly basis about boat ramps, I sure am glad my boat sits in a slip!


Jul 1, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

my dad and I have been launching / retrieving his boat together for 30+ years. The ramp is a few minutes from his cottage. He leaves in the van with the trailer, I give him a couple minutes than head toward the ramp. I can see him coming down the hill quite a ways from the ramp, so I just kind of hang out in mid-river waiting for him. As he gets to the flat area near the ramp, I start heading in. If all goes well, the trailer hits the water when I'm about 50 feet away. I pull onto the trailer, jump out, hook the bow hook and we pull up to the parking area to do the final tie-downs. He doesn't even get out of the van. We've gotten quite a few nasty looks from the folks who obviously aren't good at loading their boats....we've also had a few people come over and ask us what "our secret" No secret, we've probably done it 300+ times...we should be good at it by


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 16, 2009
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

At the ramp that I frequent, what I find to be the biggest time consumer is people trying to power load their boats. My first boat was easy to power load. It had a little bit of a tri-hull shape. I could ease it on the trailer and give it a little gas and and up she would go, right to the bow stop. My current boat is a PITA to power load. The bow wants to wander all over the place. So after about 2 outings, I realized that it isn't going to work. Now all I do is back the trailer in, grab the bow rope and pull the boat on the trailer. A few cranks on the winch, attach the safety chain and I'm off. Takes me about 3 mins from the time I get lined-up at the ramp until I pull out.

I see many folks power loading their boat, then backing it off, the back on, trailer too deep to get the stern centered, etc. Some spend 10 mins trying to get the thing on the trailer and up to the bow stop. I think that they would be quicker if they would just get their feet wet and crank it on with the winch.
Mar 22, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Very good thread.
While I enjoy watching the ramp follies like anyone else, I also know that I am far from the best at launching and retrieving. I do not get upset if someone has a difficult time backing in or has problems getting the boat started, etc. People are not born knowing how to do things like this and somebody making them nervous about it makes things even worse. If necessary, why not just lend a hand?

Now on the other hand, if someone in front of me starts loading coolers, inflating tubes, loading fishing gear etc while on the ramp, that is a COMPLETELY different story, especially since my home ramp has a lane dedicated just for that about 75 yards from the launch. Many times I have been pulled off here prepping (and I take my time) and someone blazes on by to the ramp, and they are still sitting there (on the ramp) after I finish prepping, launching and parking the truck. I am especially thankful at these times that I have a 4 lane ramp with courtesy docks off to the side!

A little consideration to other people, at least those that are genuinely trying or learning, goes a long way.

No matter how good you think you may be, there is always someone better.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2007
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Well done. There are a lot of people out there doing a lot of wrong things just because no one ever told them to stop. (Frequently starts at a very young age.) Most of us have the good manners and good sense not to act mean or stoopid. I'm glad it ended well. The fact is, you probably did this guy and his entire family a great service. Now that he's had a glimpse of the real world, maybe this guy will change. :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 14, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Doubtful he will change. He's a 55yr old stubborn man. He might think a little more but his patience will not change. Give people the benefit of the doubt when launching (unless there doing anything on the launch that could have been done ahead of time).


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 7, 2010
Re: Boat Ramp Rage....

Sunday at the boat ramp I got to experiance what everyone is talking about. First let me say that I usually wait until there are not a lot of boats at the dock before I start coming in just because I am in no hurry and like to watch what people do on the ramp that will make me better or laugh.

There was a ski boat that was dragging an empty big tube, maybe 6 person behind his boat. He put the boat on the trailer and pulled up about 5 feet then started to let the air out of his tube. This was going on while a TX summer storm was just starting to pop up. Everyone was trying to get him to move and he just laughed and went even slower. Finally this one guy goes over to the guy and says let me help you with that. Pulls out a pocket knife and slashes the tube up, throws it on the bank out of the way and hands the guy some money to buy a new one. Says "ooops sorry budy didnt mean to d that and walks off"

I thought it was funny and it got the guy to move.