Boat leaning to the right when I get in...


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Is she level before you get in, but with the gas and battery aboard?

Yessss. If it IS level and it only tips after running, then the tabs are causing the problem because they are improperly adjusted. Raise the tabs up out of the water and try it again.

If it tips like you say at the dock with the engine off, then you have a hull problem.

Maybe you need to be more definitive about the issue with engine on and off so we can truly diagnose it better.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 27, 2020
Thank you everyone for the help! So to be a little more descriptive, when the engine is off and in the water once i get in the boat leans more on the right where i am sitting. when i go to the left side then the boat evens out. it seems to take more weight on the left hand side to make the boat even out when we are docked or moving. my boat is very basic no equipment or anything that is weighing the right side down at all other than the battery in the back on right side. however the 2 6 gal gas tanks are on the middle and the left side of the back end of the boat. hopefully that helps out.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
At the risk of being royally chastised again, if you tilt the boat up with the bow high does any water come out of the drain plug area? Try propping the bow up really high and let it sit that way for a few days and see? If there is any water intrusion, it will find it's way out and that will tell you you have water logged areas and that could be the reason for listing to one side. JMHO