Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

as for how far back you can go (ie how far the transom is from the last roller) there are a couple of factors. Do you also have some short bunks in the stern? What boat--looks like A 16' tinnie with an outboard? Is your typical drive unusually rough?

You want ample support since the OB is hanging back there. Judging from the way most trailers are rigged and boat lifts used, it does not have to be right under the transom. Surely 6-10" is OK, but those who have the aluminum boats will know better.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

as for how far back you can go (ie how far the transom is from the last roller) there are a couple of factors. Do you also have some short bunks in the stern? What boat--looks like A 16' tinnie with an outboard? Is your typical drive unusually rough?

You want ample support since the OB is hanging back there. Judging from the way most trailers are rigged and boat lifts used, it does not have to be right under the transom. Surely 6-10" is OK, but those who have the aluminum boats will know better.


Bunks go almost all the way back to the transom. Long bunks at the stern, shorter up near bow. I believe it's balanced properly at the moment the way it sits so I don't want to make too radical of an adjustment and have to move the axle. The ride to the lake is short and sweet. Really don't want to get into that lol. I'll see what I can do tonight when I get home.


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

... Looks like the bow stop is too high. I want a level winch strap and the bow eye closer to the bow roller right? Not sure I like that bow roller either. It's pretty hard plastic. ...

Lower the Bow Stop arm until the bow roller is touching or very close and ABOVE the boat's bow eye.
This is what secures the boat in hard braking situations.
The winch strap should be nearly level and just slightly touching the bottom of the bow stop.

The Bow Roller is a Bow Stop, it will seldom if ever actually ROLL. It is fine!

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

perfect for your boat. keep an eye on the welds if you do a lot of hard braking.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

The winch/stop is just right now. Were you able to move the winch post back some to clear the liftgate?


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

perfect for your boat. keep an eye on the welds if you do a lot of hard braking.

Are you referring to the welds that hold the bow stop bracket there? I try to drive as safe as possible and give as much clearance as I can so we should be Ok. I'm never in a hurry with the boat attached.

The winch/stop is just right now. Were you able to move the winch post back some to clear the liftgate?

Eyeing it up, I believe so. I wasn't able to hitch it up at the time, but I believe so. Now to just add another keel roller and some sort of bow strap and I'll be all set. Thanks for all the input guys. Very helpful as always :) Viva le!


Apr 1, 2010
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

You're not there yet, the winch needs to be raised so that the strap is pulling the boat forward, not up & not down.
Then the bow roller support arms need to be drilled to move the roller down so that it wedges into the bow above the bow eye. Then cut off the surplus support arms.
The way it is now the whole rig can move forwards & up under braking.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

Hard to tell by the picture. Yes, the strap should be level or pull slightly up. You should not be pulling down when the boat is right at the winch, otherwise ikt won't move forward.

The bow roller looks fine. It doesn't need to be lowered.

Loose the safety chain and replace it with a bow tie down. Then, the boat ain't goin nowhere.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2010
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.


There is a better angle of the strap. It seemed pretty level to me. Other pic was a bad angle to judge that. I have yet to torque down the ubolts hence the strange angle on those.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Boat is hard to winch and keel scraping main beam.

Looks great, including the safety chain......