Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation


Jan 20, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

I understood. I just don't understand how the failure you describe can cause the symptoms.

Only if the fuel pressure at the carbs was reduced to the point that the carbs were starved for fuel, I guess. But that would have to be one hell of a leak. Considering the amount of fuel that pump is capable of delivering.

Next time I am experimenting, I am going to introduce that leak on my motor and see what the effect is.

I just wanted someone to chime in with a theory as to how a leak on the output side can affect performance as you describe.

maui al

Dec 5, 2010
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

Try and unplug that 1/4 inch line from the three way connector and then try running your engine. At certain bumps and grinds the crack must have opened enough at high pressure to allow a lot of gas to pass thru. When I pull back on the trottle the hole must have closed up and allowed me to go back to higher rpm. Alot of times my boat is flying at 5200-5500 rpms and sometimes it is sustained for at least 1/2 hour.

If you try that experiment with your engine to be safe make sure you have the engine cover off, fire extingesher handy and all persons wearing life jackets. The better experiment would be to take the restraining strap or clip off, run the engine at full trottle with the cover off and then have someone pull the hose off the three way connector. Good luck and post your results of your test.

Its a good thing that we did not have a fire.

Until the next time I need help with a problem, ALOHA.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

I agree with Daselbee. I don't see how that leak could have caused the prob. I think the prob is still there and will show up again. It's now a "wait and see game".


Jan 20, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation was like being all alone in the world...LOL.
I bet he fooled around with something....not related to the leak, and inadvertently fixed it.

Boobie, given the amount of gas that pump can pump, and given that he has 4 carbs sucking it down, would a full leak at the primer solenoid input (pull hose right off), would a leak that big cause reduced fuel pressure at the carbs enough to affect WOT performance?

I am gonna try it, but I am not gonna let the gas just flow out. I will catch it safely and return it to the tank. I will do it on a V6 225 too. I will put my pressure gauge on the fuel rail input line and measure "no leak" and "full leak" conditions. Will post the results, FWIW.


Aug 17, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

it would have to be a big leak to drop fuel pressure enough. no fuel should be passing through the solenoid hoses unless you have the key pressed or the red lever is in the wrong position.

maui al

Dec 5, 2010
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

Lets get positve guys, its fixed for now and its a done deal.

Maybe you never heard the saying " a boat is a hole in the water that you just keep pouring money into."

As my wife says "Every time I have a problem the hole just gets bigger.

Funny part about it is that we are all in the same boat.
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maui al

Dec 5, 2010
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

For the record, I am not a greenie when in comes to boating, this is my third outboard boat in twenty years and prior to that a catermran racer for ten years.

No tinkering was done on the water except locating and fixing the leaking fuel hose. If one of the commenters thinks that I have majical powers then I am willing to package and sell those fixes to anyone with a boating problem that needs fixing.

I know this is not the end of my problems becasuse this is an old motor and during my season its run real hard. Something else will show up or another fuel line will leak or whatever. I knock on wood and hope for the best and be trouble free next season. We all know that boats are just holes in the water that we just keep pouring money into. It does not matter what age your boat is or how well you take care of it, it happens.

Now if you really want to spend the time and money to see if what happen to me is possible you are welcome to try.

Here is some simple instructions. Please read and follow them carefully and do not try reading between the lines, the object is to make a leak big enough to starve your engine.

1. obtain a valve to fit the line between three way fitting and your primer selenoid. make sure this is a three way valve or what ever is the right name for it, one you can change the direction of the fuel flow and also control the amount the fuel flow.
2. use enough fuel hose of the same diameter to operate this valve while you are running at WOT or whatever you are going to test at. The longer the hose the more resistance, so make your hose as short as possible, but still creat a safer operating situation.
3. run the loose end into a fuel safe container with a cover. Maybe a disposable quart bottle with a hole drilled in the cap to make a tight fit for the fuel line.
4. Run your boat at WOT or get it up to 24 mph and then open the valve to simulate the leak in the fuel line.
5. try it a various speeds and see what happens.
6. Also try starting your engine with the valve fully open.
note: the longer hose you use will require more pressure in order to allow the fuel to flow. Remember the leak was right at the fitting and not 4-10 feet away.

Oh yes please post your results, providing you do not have to wait for warm weater to get you boat in the water or the lake to defrost.
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Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

Daselbee: I think he doesn't know what slow actually is. That's what threw everybody off at the start of this forum, myself included. When you do your testing, let us know what happens. As my Mentor told me years ago when I first started in this business, questions, questions,questions.

maui al

Dec 5, 2010
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

no I do not know what S.L.O.W. means when I first started tread

To me slow means not going fast especially when the revs would not go over 2500. S.L.O.W. has a whole different meaning now.

What I have learned from this experience is that in order for your motor to go into S.L.O.W. some alarm must go off, most likely a temperture alarm. No where in my opening comments did I mention an alarm going off or the hot light coming on. Later in the tread I mentioned that I tested the Temp sensors and they worked and also later in the tread I tested and grounded the leads with the motor running and the alarm and light went off.
The alarm was so loud that standing right next to it would be hard to miss.

I laid out the issue as best I could and some of the responses were right on the money and said fuel problem, which is what I persued and found the problem.

And some of the other comments were way off base. I guess advice comes in good and bad and right and wrong and we have to weed thru them and take the best course of action.

I am interested in your test results, because I am not going to take my boat out or monkey with the motoer or fuel system for anothe six months


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

It's sometimes hard to read between the lines from an improper explanation of the problem and not all the info or using the incorrect terminogly.


Jan 20, 2009
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation

I will be glad to do the test. I usually experiment with different failure modes to see what the engine does, and then remember so as to recognize the symptoms and fix as required when I see it again.

I cannot do it anytime soon though. My boat is in pieces, having a new transom and stringers installed. ASAP, I will test and post results. I am going to use a fuel pressure gauge, and see the difference with the leak, and without.

Also, maui, one real reason I am interested in this, is that a fuel leak, sucking air on the INPUT side of the fuel pump will do all kinds of weird stuff to the the way the engine runs. Leans it out. That is why the serious interest, and the questioning of where your leak was, and how could it affect the running the way you say it did.

maui al

Dec 5, 2010
Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation, you guys were right

Re: Blocking Diodes, will this solve my slow mode situation, you guys were right

Last March 2011 I thouhgt I had the problem fixed. You guys were right, there was a lot more problrms, Took the boat out when the new bottom fish season opened up in September, after 6 hours out and on the way home the problrms started up again and the engine would bog down and not be able to go above 3000-3200 rpm and made headway at 9mph. finally the engine died and we had to use the kicker to try to come home and that made only 1.5 to 2.5 mph into a headwind and small chop. Got a tow for the last four miles into port.

Got a two stroke mechanic to look at it and he worked on it for 3.5 hours and said that the ground to the power pack was really loose, and that the carbs were assembled wrong or as he put it the adjustment could have vibrated and change.(thats being nice to the other people who workrd on it. He said something like the high speed screws were not in the correct position. He also found anothe loose fuel line feeding one of the carbs that was leaking. He also insisted that we take the boat out so he could adjust it on the water.

Took it out for twoi days of fishing and the engine needed adjusting again because the engine would die when you moved it from idle to forward gear.

The mechanic came by today to adjust the engine once again we took it out on the water to adjust it. Will take it out in the next couple of days to see how it works. I hope all these small problems are all gone. I was ready to buy a new engine.

I hope this is the end of my problems for a while.

Once again the members of this forum were right on and I should have kept on looking for more problems.