Blasphemy, sinning, contemplating the uncontemplateable!!!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2009
Ok - everyone knows I am a proud Holiday owner - the old school look/lines look alot better than the SS's....but the open bow is definately a technological advance on par with the internet, cell phones etc.

The Holiday has the windshield pushed up as far as possible - and after much measuring I believe I can install a small open bow that will fit two pints or one quart comfortably leaving the windshield at its current location. Before I break out the jig saw - I am trying to engineer the topside inside edge detail at the topsides. The cockpit actually has the topsides bent into a box (strong) and two aluminum shapes added - the top being the interior rub rail and the lower just a 90.

I think I got it figgered out - but I have a question I have is how to bend/shape the aluminum extrusions that would follow the bow curve shape. Since these extrusions are going to have shape/depth - they aren't likey to be bendy.

Can they be heated with a torch to be shaped to fit? Can someone like me with moderate experience pull it off without buying a dozen pieces to get it right? Has someone done this?




Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Blasphemy, sinning, contemplating the uncontemplateable!!!

Alum can be tricky under heat. It goes from rigid to noodle in a flash so be careful and go slow. You prolly only get one shot as alum becomes brittle after heated a time or two.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Blasphemy, sinning, contemplating the uncontemplateable!!!

I've watched Jesse James anneal aluminum sheets and make a gas tank with compound curves. He used the same method B2 linked to. He sure beat the snot out of the AL and it seemed to work fine. I think the bending you plan is minor compared to his.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Blasphemy, sinning, contemplating the uncontemplateable!!!

"...but the open bow is definately a technological advance on par with the internet, cell phones etc...."

And we get on our boatS to get away from theSe.


YeS, a capital S. That S used to Stand for Starcraft. A big capital Scarlet S.

I don't think the aluminum trim piece iS gonna work the way you want.

I would go with wood. 2" wide laying flat on the deck, routed out a little to proved coverage to the edge of aluminum. A Second piece extending down into the opening, thru-bolted into the top piece. Then 3 coatS of Semi-gloss Spar varniSh.
